The WSF, according to the WMW

Por [pt]Marcha Mundial das Mulheres[en]WMW[fr]MMF[es]MMM[it]WMW

Around 75 thousand people came together in Dakar, Senegal, for the World Social Forum between the 6th and 11th February 2011. Caravans from across the West African region were organised, and awareness-raising activities were carried out on their journeys t...

Un monde meilleur : possible, mais pas clair

Por mgdCuNk9du

Julie Raymond Hier encore, j’étais au Sénégal, à plisser les yeux sous la force du soleil. Ce matin, c’est la blancheur de la neige qui me blesse les yeux. La tête et le cœur encore pleins des couleurs de l’Afrique, je n’arrive pas à me lib...

Letter of solidarity with the struggle of women in the world

Por mgdCuNk9du

February 11th 2011, at the World Social Forum, Dakar, Senegal In this year, 2011, the World Social Forum joins with the peoples of Africa for the third time, following Mali in 2006 and Kenya in 2007. We, women from different parts of the world who have g...

Fatimatou Djibo, do Níger, denuncia a violência contra as mulheres do campo

Por mgdCuNk9du

Petition on Brazil’s Cultural Policy

Por Silke Helfrich

Petition to the participants at the Assembly of Communication by Commons Strategies Group and international activists on Commons especially from VECAM (France) and some of the participants at the World Forum Science and Democracy concerning the roll-back i...

Kontext TV: struggles for another world

Por mgdCuNk9du

Kontext TV in Dakar: 90.000 People at the Forum – Inspired by the Uprisings in North Africa

Por mgdCuNk9du

With 90.000 participants, the World Social Forum was one of the biggests meetings in the history of western Africa. The Forum was marked by the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Kontext TV has collected voices from North African activists and talked with N...

Petição sobre a Política Cultural do Brasil

Por mgdCuNk9du

Esta petição foi endereçada aos participante da Assembleia de Comunicação pelo Commons Strategies Group and ativistas internacionais, especialmente de VECAM (France) e participantes do Fórum Mundial de Ciência e Democracia, abordando a política cu...