Videos from Atlanta

The People’s Caravan rocked and rolled thru Atlanta January 26 on the Global Day of Action. The caravanistas confronted the familiar local faces of global oppression in the “city too busy to hate.” They told the World of Coke “another world is possible.” They told the city jail to “tear down the walls.” They posted eviction notices on the doors of the Atlanta Housing Authority, which has been demolishing public housing.” The Capitol steps usually frequented by reactionary Georgia legislators and lobbyists became the People’s Plaza and the polling site for the People’s Ballot. AND ALL THIS WITHOUT MISSING A BEAT, thanks to people’s music by Cakalak Thunder Drum Corps and the Atlanta Sedition Orchestra

See the caravan

We Can’t Do This Alone

Global Day of Action Press Conference ATL

Cindy Wiesner, English

Speakers are interviewed for Spanish audiences at Atlanta’s Global Day of Action Press Conference


Sandra Robertson

of the GA Citizens Coalition on Hunger speaks about Poor People’s Day and economic justice in GA


Emery Wright

of Project South talks about the significance of the US Social Forum and the Poor People’s Assembly in an Atlanta Global Day of Action press conference.


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