
Por mgdCuNk9du

Art: Move against G8 Nr. 6, 31.5.2007 Dieser Newsletter wird von G8Xtra - Zeitung für eine Interventionistische Linke herausgegeben. Mehr Infos über G8Xtra und die Interventionistische Linke hier: www.g8-2007.de Der Newsletter berichtet über die Plan...

G8: Demonstrators’ Rights and Africa at Heart of Summit

Por mgdCuNk9du

Art: Move against G8 Before anyone knew it, G8 summits have become more politically pointed than the United Nations meetings. As the club of the richest and most powerful, they have naturally become a target -- increasingly protected -- of those fighting ...

G8 2007 ¡Hay alternativas!

Por mgdCuNk9du

Imagem: Move Against G8 En 2007 tendrá lugar en Heilingendamm (cerca de la ciudad de Rostock, en la costa alemana del Báltico) la cumbre de los ocho países más ricos y poderosos del mundo. Desde hace largo tiempo la política del G8 ha levantado crít...

Con la mira en el anti-G8 de Alemania

Por Sergio Ferrari, E-Changer

Foto: Move Against G8 Entre el 6 y el 8 de junio el Grupo de las ocho naciones más enriquecidas del planeta (G8) se reunirá en Alemania. A partir de inicio-mediados de mayo varias "Euromarchas contra la precariedad y la exclusión" arrancaron en difer...

[en]2nd of June [pt] 2 de Junho

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en]At 2nd of June there are TWO different demonstrations staring at different places - these two manifestations with different marching-route will end at the same end-point at the harbour in Rostock for a commen end-manifestation. The two initial manifest...

[fr] Médias alternatives, police anti-terroriste [pt]Mídia alternativa, polícia anti-terrorista

Por mgdCuNk9du

[fr]Le 9 mai 2007, de 8h à 17h, le serveur de so36.net, a été la cible d'une perquisition par des officiers de la police allemande. Au moins le contenu des boites mails, listes de discussion et des sites web hébergés a été copié. Basé à Berlin, ...

[en] Repression against anti-G8 structures [pt]Repressão contra locais anti-G8

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Since Wednesday morning 8 am a wave of searches is taking places against left structures throughout Germany. Targeted are social projects and private persons that are organizing against the coming G8 summit - or suspected to do so. In Berlin at leas...

[en]Global Days of Action towards Rostock [pt]Ações globais rumo a Rostock[it]Giorni di azione globale contro il G8 [fr]Journées d’action et d’information globale contre le G8

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Capitalism attacks us on many fronts in our daily lives. We are forced to endure the current system of capitalism and its oppressive power destroys, exploits, isolates and dehumanizes us. It's definitely time to get rid of it. To move forward in the...