

World Social Forum 2004: A Report from India

Por Compas

The fourth annual World Social Forum WSF) took place January 16-21 in Mumbai, India. The WSF was established was established as a response for the poor people of the world to the World Economic Forum where the leaders of the riches countries and multi-nati...

CAMP apresenta imagens do FSM no FÓRUM DA PAZ

Por Compas

CAMP APRESENTA MOSTRA DE FOTOS E VÍDEO NO FÓRUM DA PAZ O Centro de Assessoria Multiprofissional (Camp/RS) participará do Encontro Internacional pela Paz contra a Guerra - que ocorre de 11 a 13 de fevereiro na PUC/RS, em Porto Alegre - com a exposição...

The World Women’s Forum

Por Compas

“After the rape they made us walk home naked. When our men saw us they took off the clothes that they still had and gave them to us so that we could wrap something around us.” The woman starts crying, and she bows her head in shame. The other woman cha...

O feminismo no Brasil: suas múltiplas faces

Por Compas

Céli Regina Jardim Pinto tem formação em história e é doutora em ciência política pela Universidade de Essex, na Inglaterra. É professora na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, onde desenvolve suas atividades de docência e pesquisa, tendo s...

Do Turkeys Enjoy Thanksgiving?

Por Compas

Last January thousands of us from across the world gathered in Porto Allegre in Brazil and declared - reiterated - that "Another World is Possible". A few thousand miles north, in Washington, George Bush and his aides were thinking the same thing. Our pr...

All Set For World Social Forum Meet

Por Compas

Only a city the size of Mumbai could absorb an additional 75,000 people and not fall apart. That is precisely the process that has already begun here as delegates from 130 countries - social activists, trade unionists, feminists, environmentalists, peaceni...

Alternative Worlds – Rainbow Alliances at Social Forum

Por Compas

In the contest of ideas, civil society is the battleground. It is this space that states attempt to capture, political parties seek to influence and business corporations try to control. This is the place of organisations, where alternative ideologies a...

First Video from Indymedia at the WSF in Mumbai India

Por Compas