
From WSF ‘NGO trade fair’ to left politics?

Por mgdCuNk9du

From January 20-25, the 60,000 registered participants heard triumphalist radical rhetoric and yet, too, witnessed persistent defeats for social justice causes - especially within the WSF's own processes. * Kenya Social Forum coordinator Onyango Oloo list...

As vitórias do VII FSM

Por mgdCuNk9du

O VII FSM foi encerrado na tarde do dia 25 de janeiro com um ato político e cultural no parque Uhuru, centro de Nairobi. Assim como na abertura, a presença dos quenianos e das delegações africanas deram o tom colorido e a “batida” dos sons que marc...

Las controversias hacia el futuro

Por mgdCuNk9du

Concluida la 7ma edición del Foro Social Mundial (FSM) de Nairobi, varias son las temáticas desarrolladas y es importante destacar la coexistencia de varios foros en uno, con debates intensos, donde estuvieron presentes no sólo los grandes ejes tradicio...

The three faces of the World Social Forum

Por Antony Barnett

The World Social Forum (WSF) is about three things, a young Frenchman told me. We were coming back from Kenya together. He had been to most of them since they first began in Porto Alegre in Brazil in January 2001. They are, he said, about protesting, netwo...

ONU en los tugurios

Por mgdCuNk9du

NAIROBI, 1 feb (IPS) - El mayor asentamiento irregular de Kenia y quizá de toda África, Kibera, atrajo la atención de la prensa mundial en las últimas semanas, cuando sus residentes elevaron la voz para quejarse por su miseria y reclamar mejoras urgent...

Alerta Radio Calenda

Por mgdCuNk9du

Se teme por la vida e integridad de los integrantes de Radio Calenda, emisora comunitaria en Oaxaca Ante el incremento de agresiones a periodistas comunitarios, organizaciones informan a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos - Integrantes de la...

Is Another World Possible?

Por mgdCuNk9du

Activists from social movements all over the world flocked to the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre six years ago for the first World Social Forum (WSF). It was organized under the slogan “another world is possible” to demonstrate impressively the counter...

Towards Rostock[es]Rumbo a Rostock [fr] À Rostock

Por mgdCuNk9du

The 7th WSF ended on 25 January in the Kenyan capital. It was followed by a two-day meeting of the International Council (IC), a decision-making body consisting of about one hundred organizations from all continents. [1] After a first contradictory assessm...