December 7th 2010
Registration of the 2011 World Social Forum is open until December 15th
You have up to December the 15th to register your organization and its activities in order to participate in the next edition of the World Social Forum, that is going to be held on February 06-11 2011 in Dakar, Senegal, at the Cheikh Anta Diop University campus. Registration for individuals will still be open. The general program will be organized on the following way:
1st day (02/06/2011): Opening March 4th day (02/09/2011): Self-organized activities The general guidelines from the WSF Organization is that organizations should read the 12 thematic axes prior to their registration, in order to chose the ones that are more appropriate to their activities. There are two modes of registration: individual and of organizations. This last one allows the registration of other types of participation like Assemblies of Convergence, Expanded Activities, stalls later one. Just like it was with other centralized editions, only organizations can register activities. In case you only want to attend as participant, please register as an individual. If you have Internet access difficulties, or if you know an organization that need to register but don’t have Internet Access, please, we recommend to contact the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee in Dakar: +221 33 825 13 81 Or by e-mail: enregistrement@wsf2011.org ou secretariat@wsf2011.org To register There are two modes of registration: individual and of organizations. Organizations can send up to 5 delegates and register 3 activities, which will be confirmed after the payment of registration fees is made. Deadline for registering is on December 15th, and deadline for payment is on December 25th. For fees click here. After the 15th it won’t be possible to register self-organized activities any longer, but it will be possible to make changes in the content of the data (organization, activity, participants info). The deadline for this will be on December 25th too. Payment will be available soon. Click here to access the registration area. For registration fees, click here.
Step by step In case you have any difficulty in filling in the forms or to learn more on the registration process, please click here and go the Step by Step page.
Axes If you are having doubt on which axis is more suitable for your activity, click here to read them again.
Volunteer Interpreters A network of volunteer interpreters is contributing to the organization of 2011 Dakar and will be responsible for simultaneous interpretation into different languages. Another group of technical volunteer, working with them, will provide technical support for the interpretation equipment that will be installed permanently in some meeting rooms. Both teams take care of your needs in terms of interpretation. This will require that you provide on your Activity registration form, you have taken into account the different aspects of interpretation (Hall / cost). The Interpretation Subcommittee of the Organizing Committee makes the following call to people with good knowledge of English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and West African languages to inform the WSF Secretariat. Call: From early January until the Forum: a 20-hour long introduction to interpretation. Requirements: excellent knowledge of two languages. This is not a language course, but techniques that will help ensure a communication from one language to another during the Forum. A laptop is a plus for some help and ongoing exercises between classes (the exercises are on DVD). Due to budgetary constraints, we can only select volunteers from Africa and Europe. The WSF-OC will pay for your ticket and accomodation. There will be a per diem of 15000 cfa/day (22€) to cover your food and transport (which will cost less than that). Accommodation will probably be in shared flats. More information on logistics will be provided later on. If you are interested in participating, please go to the following URL: http://goo.gl/KV1me and fill out the form. More information: Judith Hitchman – hitchman@club-internet.fr / logistique@wsf2011.org
Expanded Activities “Expanded Dakar” Activities can be organized from a distance, by you or your organization, in order to participate in the 2011 WSF, even not being physically in Dakar, by relating it to the subjects of the 12 axes. In case you are interested, please write to facilit.espaco.fsm.extendido@gmail.com with the following information: Location, Date, Time, Proposing Organization, Contact Person, Theme, Activity’s format. For more information: http://openfsm.net/projects/fsm-extendido-lu/project-home. Acommodation The Logistics Commission of the Organizing Committee has listed the hotels and inns, furnished apartments, villas, the home stay, etc. Hotels: group rates are available in some hotels from which you can make your reservation directly: http://africansocialforum.org/doc/fsm/dkr2011/liste_hotel.pdf . For those who want to book hotels, apartments and dormitories, a local team can facilitate your booking. Facilitation dakarguestservices: http://www.dakarguestmultiservices.com/Reservation.html Homestay: Contact the Secretariat via e-mail: secretariat@wsf2011.org / logistique@wsf2011.org and phone + 221 / 33 825 13 81. The Commission is currently negotiating group rates and identifies families willing to host participants. To this end, a form of homestay is designed to entertain families, who would be willing to host participants in their homes. Family Form for Homestay: http://fsm2011.org/en/accommodation-1
For anyone wishing to stay "homestay" and who would benefit from the facilities that will be obtained, please contact the Secretariat at email listed below. Volunteers The Organizing Committee of the 2011 World Social Forum, to be held on February 06-11, in Dakar (Senegal) is making a call for people who wish to volunteer at the event. Beyong Senegal, people from neighboring countries (Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania), but groups from Europe, Americas, Asia etc are also expected. It will be given priority to those who are interested in volunteering and speak French and English fluently. For those who do not live in Dakar, the Committee cannot cover any travel or accommodation expenses. Click here to download the volunteer registration form. More information: volontaire@wsf2011.org
Stalls Organizations can request for exhibition stalls. To do so click the Stalls tab on the menu bar during the Registration process and request your stall. Please, mind the fees, see them here. Assemblies of Convergence Guidelines for registering Assemblies of Convergence will be soon available.
Registration of Communicators You must download a form, fill it and send it until Dec. 15 to: medias@wsf2011.org, or enregistrement@wsf2011.org secretariat@wsf2011.org. Now, only in French. Other languages soon. Access: http://fsm2011.org/fr/centre-de-presse.
For more information: Secretariat: secretariat@wsf2011.org / secretariatcomiteforumdakar@yahoo.fr Volunteers: volontaire@wsf2011.org For other information, please access the 2011 WSF official website: http://fsm2011.org/ Spread the news! Send the information on the WSF registration to your lists, publish it on your organization and social networks’ websites. 2010 Event: Thematic World Education Forum on Education, Research and Culture of Peace Date: December 10th-13th Event: Forum on Immigration in Brussels Date: December 17-19 2011 Event: 2011 World Social Forum Location: Dakar (Senegal) Event: São Paulo Social Forum Website: http://forumsocialsp.org.br/
a) International Ciranda of Independent Information Ciranda is an initiative taken by participants of the WSF that work together in order to organize shared coverage of events from the standpoint, work and solidarity and collective actions of alternative media. Currently, articles on the coup d’Etat in Honduras are featured on the website. Read more b) Radio Social Forum Learn more on the Radio Social Forum, a space shared by the radio broadcasters participating in the World Social Forum process, which produces free information on radio broadcast format. Read more c) Open FSM Get to know the social network that gathers activists and militants of all around the world identified with the WSF Charter of Principles. This open virtual space allows the exchange of information and the realization of debates between the participants of the Forum process and those who are interested. Read more d) WSF TV The website WSF TV keeps on exhibiting audiovisual productions related to themes of the World Social Forum. This internet portal can be used to host videos recorded by any person or organization identified with the WSF Charter of Principles.Read more e) Virtual Media Center A Virtual Press Room created to contribute to the 2010 World Social Forum Process as one of the references for journalists / means of communication to follow the events happening towards the 2011 WSF in Dakar. In it you will find press kits, news, releases in several languages, clipping, and also material as symbols and other high-resolution images. Read more |