The Website towards Dakar is already online

From now on you can take part in the 2010 World Social Forum process through the website Towards Dakar: Its interactivity was an outcome of the decision to give the WSF a new format now that it completes 10 years of existence. In 2010 social movements and civil organizations are going to organize their own events across the globe in order to debate alternatives to the civilization crisis that ravages the human kind. The responses to this crisis – which is not only financial, but also ethical, political, environmental, of climate, justice, among other aspects – will only be possible with the mobilization of different actors of society. This is why we are inviting everyone interested to join us!

One part of the website will gather information about the events that are being held along 2010. The other, users will find in the next months information on the event in Dakar. The upper menu and the central area of the website were destined to the 2011 event. In the sidebar (to the right) it will be possible to follow the history of the WSF and the 2010 process. Check out the sections and their respective contents:

2010 WSF

On the right side, a space dedicated to the 2010 WSF. The highlight is the section Send your testimonial, which will allow users to send documents, photos, videos about events. This material is fundamental to support discussion to be held during the 2011 World Social Forum.

Other sections are:

What is the 2010 WSF: Information on how the process is being built this year.

Agenda: Here you will post details of the event organized by your organization in 2010.

Take part in the 2010 WSF: this section is filled with guidelines for you and your organization to be closer to process leading up to Dakar. Tips on how to organize an event and/or an activity according to the WSF principles, also upload of testimonials (videos, photos, texts and audios), download of the WSF logo and information on the strategies adopted by movements and events in 2010.

2011 WSF

2011 WSF and contact: related to the event organization info like Wbat it is, Secretariat and Organizing Committee.

Participation: here it will be available registration fees, and also information on accommodation, translation, food, stalls, volunteering and details on Senegal.

Donation: For those interested in support the event financially.

Press: here it will be available press releases for action during 2010 and the 2011 event.

2011 Links and FAQ: links for 2011 and answers to most frequently asked questions.

News: News, Photos, Videos, Audios produced by the Dakar Organizing Committee, by the Communication Commission and the WSF Office and also contributions from other International Council Commissions, and institutions, groups and networks which are organizing events towards Dakar.

Registration: Space destined to organizations, movements, groups, networks and people to register online.

Events: For people to post self-organized activities.

In the Media: Clipping of news from the media (mainstream or alternative) on the 2010 process and the event in Dakar.

WSF Medias: Destined for media, which for 10 years have been contributing to the creation of the WSF process under a Shared Communication point of view.

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