October 12 -World Social Forum on Migrations and CLOC-ViaCampesina March in Quito

Farmers and migrants filled the streets of Quito, marching together to mark the end of the World Social Forum on Migrations and the beginning of the Latin American Coordination of Farmers’ Organizations. Alejandra Tucno and Evarista Pacojove, indigenous farmers from Peru denounced multinational companies that are trying to take away their land in order to extract resources from the country. Yolanda Areas, from the Association of Farm Workers in Nicaragua, talked about her expectations for the CLOC congress. Domingo Marileo, a member of the National Mapuche Leftist Assembly, spoke about the significance of marching on October 12, the day Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas. Pierre, an advocate for migrants’ rights from Haiti, called on governments to recognize every person as an international citizen. Elvira Arellano, from Latino Families United Without Borders, demanded the United States and Europe stop criminalizing migration and pass laws that legalize the status of immigrants. Ousmane Diarra, representing the Association of Malian Deportees, denounced the xenophobic policies of the European Union. Kyunosook Lee, from the Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea, who is helping host the next World Social Forum on Migrations in South Korea, talked about the feeling of international solidarity at the Quito forum. Nader Abedrabo, a Palestinian refugee in Ecuador, talked about the mutual solidarity the Palestinians have found with the migrants at the forum. Luis Bassegio, from Grito de los Excluidos and an organizer of the World Social Forum on Migrations, talked about the importance of marching together with the members of the CLOC and Vía Campesina. Clara Silvestre Camposeco, an advocate of migrants rights from Guatemala, expressed hope that the forum would put pressure on governments to start to take action. Goldy Omelio, from the Philippines, spoke of how the how the forum inspired her. María Pantoja, a member of Fenocin and Vía Campesina, talked about her struggle for food sovereignty. The participants in the march finished at the Plaza San Francisco, where they presented the final declaration from the World Social Forum on migrations.

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