Invitation to participate in the strategy debate

–The Strategy Commission of the WSF – International Council is organizing a strategical debate. It proposes to involve in this debate magazines, sites and institutions working with the social and citizens movements constituting the WSF process.–The area of debate is an open space. It will take into account all the contributions. Partial synthesis will be published regularly. The debate is edited on a page of the website of the World Social Forum:
This page is organized by a working group of the Strategy Commission.

-Every magazine, website, an institution associated with the strategic debate is invited to create their own space for debate and to engage freely. A link to the debate will be posted on the website of the WSF and a link to the debate site of the WSF will be posted on the website of the partner institution. Every magazine, website, institution, identify and propose, for the WSF site, contributions corresponding to the inputs of the strategic debate (Strategy movements, events associated with process, themes chosen by the committee). Summaries and partial synthesis will be regularly published on the website of the WSF.– –

First contacts-

-Principle Agreement confirmed–Rinoceros ( )

Contact: Erika Campelo ( )

Global Social Justice ( )

Contact Francine Mestrum ( )

E-Joussour (

Contact: Hamouda Subhi ( )

Mouvements (

Contact: Nicolas Haeringer ( )

NIGD (Network Institute for Global Democratization)

Contact person:

Contacts underway:–Le Monde Diplo Brazil.
– Contact: Silvio Caccia Bava (

Instituto Paulo Freire.
– Contact: Luana Vilutis ( )

Weed. – Contact: Peter Wahl ( )

CACIM. – Contact: Jai Sen ( )

IBASE. – Contact: Candido Grzybowski ( )

Presentation of the Strategies Debate

The space of the strategies debate is going to be conducted by social movements and citizens who take part on the World Social Forum process. A process of accumulation will be built from the succession of forums during 2010. -It will be organized around three topics:–1) The «Strategies Debates of Movements» topic: it will be presented by social movements, that, through their participation, build the WSF space. These debates will be organized around four questions:

a) analysis by social movements ob thee situation and dimensions of the global crisis; -b) evaluation of the evolution and developmente of movements and the anti-globalization movement; -c) alternatives considered and proposed; -d) expectations regarding the Forum process and particularly the 2011 WSF in Dakar.-2) The «Stategies Debates of Events» topic: it will be presented by events with reference to debates held in the events that constitute the year of global actions of 2010 and in others events that have participation of movements actively involved in the WSF process. It will consist of texts on strategies issues and discussions presented by participants in these events.

In the 2011 Dakar WSF it will be held a moment of presentation of these events.-3) The « Thematic Strategies Debate » topic: Strategy issues identified, proposed for discussion and coming from a thematic entry. The Strategy commission already proposed three themes (poverty, climate change, endless war). These entries will be linked to the strategic axes identified for the 2011 Dakar WSF.

The space of debate is an open space. It will take into account all contributions. Partial syntheses will be regularly published.

Organization of the Strategies Debate Space

Texts received and retained will be presented on a “Strategies debate” window of the WSF website. The decision to publish them is made by the Working group of the Strategy commission of the International Council.

-Each text is presented on the website by: its identification; the first four lines of the text; a link to it; keywords or tags. The identification includes title, author’s name (collective or individual), reference to movements and associations, reference date, publishers in case of already published material.–The texts can be produced or reported by reviews associated with the process and with movements that will be associated with the strategies debate. The list of these reviews will be available on the site. The strategy debate will benefit from the organization of the reviews of their own debates.–The texts will be posted in the original language. There is no assured translation provided to the website. A translation of an abstract or a presentation, written by the authors, would be appreciated. The texts will be free of copyright and of translation. The synthesis will be translated into five languages (English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Portuguese),–The reference listing will be done by keywords or tags. These include reference to the movements and events, themes, geographic areas. The list of tags (thesaurus), multilingual, will be established gradually.

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