General report of Ciranda 2010

The activities of Ciranda for the 2010 WSF began in October 2009 after the meeting of the International Council of the WSF and its Communication Commission in Montreal, Canada, where the importance of demonstrating the organic connections between the various events of the WSF 2010 was emphasised, especially the discussion of alternatives to contemporary crises, which are common to all.

Recommendations were also made regarding the proper management and integration of communication activities with the priorities of the IC. Ciranda integrates the IC, the Communication Commission and its Alternative Media Working Group, which integrated the general plan of the Commission for the WSF 2010.

At a meeting in São Paulo in October 2009, it was decided:

1) Create and support opportunities for open debate on the concept / role of communication in the WSF in view of the right to communication and new media culture.

2) Contribute to the realisation of shared coverage on the thematic universe of the WSF, as per the plan submitted to the Communication Commission of the WSF.

3) Plan for alternating roles in managing the activities of Ciranda 2010, consistent with the sequence of events planned and the autonomy of teams.

4) Restructure the collaborative platform to bring together various collaborative coverage of the events of the WSF

5) Seek support for translations.

6) Create alternatives for the immediate start of ongoing activities in the Plan for 2010, even without imediate support

Results compiled at the end of 2010, for items 1-6

1. Realised: Two international roundtable discussions on Shared Communication in the WSF 2010, in Porto Alegre and Canoas and a follow-up in Belo Horizonte; Defence of the proposal made to the IC that Thematic Seminars are part of the methodology of the WSF and that the next one should be on Communication and Culture (IC Methodology, Mexico).

Deficit: Debate within the WSF is still very guided by the concept of communication as a service, a phase that needs to be addressed and overcome to facilitate a strategic discussion.

Current stage:
Dialogues are under way to broaden the agenda of debates about communication in Dakar, as steps towards a future International Seminar or Forum on Communication in the WSF process.

2. Realised: Present and shared coverage of the forums held in Porto Alegre, Salvador, Asuncion, Pan-Amazon and Palestine, contributions (in person / through partnerships or at a distance) to the coverage of the Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Detroit and Mexico City, and the activities of March 8th (presence in the journey of 10 days of the World March of Women in Brazil); support to the dissemination of climate change events in Cochabamba and Cancun; co-promotion of two international actions among alternative media in the WSF universe (the Observation Mission in connection with the crisis in San Juan Copala and the 48 hour Media Marathon against the Occupation of Palestine).

Deficit: Ciranda WSF activism, aimed at promoting exchanges between medias at centralized events during the year, did not replace – on the contrary strengthens – the demand for professional training when it comes to running own coverage or permanent editorial activities, which was felt in 2010.

Current stage: diffusion and planning activities in Dakar 2011.

3. Realised: Experience of management by teams alternating every quarter, with rotation among monitors in charge of planning contacts and coverages, coordinate and enable the collective work at a distance of supporting present actions. See reports from 2010.

Deficit: Training activities to expand support teams.

Current stage: the closing of 2010 and preparation of the team for Jan-Mar 2011.

4. Realised: Migration, restructuring and redesign, to accommodate the sequence of coverages. Work on data recovery continues.

Deficit: Lack of adequate space on the site to facilitate quick access to alternative media and already published authors on Ciranda in recent years, requiring great effort to revise / update the data, which was referred to the 2011-12 Plan.

Current phase: restoration of Ciranda coverage from 2005 and 2006, made in Twiki. Preparation for implementation of the 2011-12 plan, focused on media and visibility of authors in the history of Ciranda and shared communication in the WSF.

5. Realised: Some translations have been made by direct collaborators of the site.

Deficit: the demand for translations is enormous and is far from resolved. Lacking a person who is responsible for the management of authors-translators-insertion of different versions on the platform.

Current stage: Dialogue with the Babels network to expand the offer of translations.

6. Realised: Arrangements have been made with partners Compas, Archimedes, Abelhaweb, Quijauá, and Tiwa, to ensure basic activities – subject to the support of Novib, until funds become available which depend on the procedures of the Communication Commission. Deal with the Paulo Freire Institute to intermediate receipt of resources.

Deficit: Negotiations to ensure activities took too much time and effort of the collective, which could be better channeled into activities.

Current stage: Reporting


General Coordination: Rita Freire

Monitors per quarter : Fernanda Estima (Oct-Dec 2009), Terezinha Vicente (Jan- Mars 2010), Rita Casaro (Apr-Jun 2010), Soraya Misleh (Jul-Sept 2010),

Support teams: Rita Ronchetti, Ana Facundes, Barbara Ablas, Nelson Pombo, Deborah Moreira, Vanessa Silva, Hilde Stephansen, Gal de Souza, Elenara … and other by events

Media/colectives sharing: see the quarterly reports and reference pages in Ciranda

Colaborative translations: Ana Facundes, Norma Fernandes, Hilde Stephansen, Tiago Novaes and other

Tech and design support: Tereza Loparic and Banto Palmarino

Colaborative partnerships: Shared Projects of Commmunication Comission of International Council of WSF

General reference page – Ciranda 2010:

What the Ciranda is:

The Ciranda

Nasce a COMPAS

2010: More than 500 contents shared throuth Ciranda pags on WSF (WSF events), more than 200 contents shared through Ciranda Mundi (direct actions, social movements events issues and events). (Contents of Ciranda Brasil are not included)



Activities – Preparatory activites for FSM 2010 shared coverages by alternative media

Strategy – Organize team of COMPAS (*)to contact alternative media towards WSF events. Plan tech solutions for the new platform for WSF 10 shared coverages. Prepare an alternative media mobilizating meeting to be place before Greater Porto Alegre Social Forum. Contribute to communication events or preparatory meetings of the WSF 2010

Presential activities:

Oct – 9-12 – Meeting in Montreal: working with International Communication Comission and IC Members for the WSF 2010 calendar.

Dec 14-17 – I Confecom – Brazilian National Conference on Communication: contacting brazilian delegates andobservers towards WSF agenda

Nov/Dec – meetings for the 10 Years WSF Seminar – efforts to enlarge communication presence in this international event


International assembly about 10 years of Shared Comm – planning/contacting


African-Brazil Radio Favelas Dialogue, – planning/contacting


Website redesing – planning – planning/contacting

Last design/ WSF2009:

Contacts made with: Senegal, Moçambique, Kenya, Chile, Honduras, Italia and Brasil (Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Salvador, Belém, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo)


Activities – Contribute for shared coverages of alternative media in Porto Alegre, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Strategy – Mix presencial and online activities. Organize support for alternative media going to the events. Start redesing and editorial solutions for the new platform for WSF 10 sharede coverages. Direct Initiative: Ten years of Shared Communication meetings, Radios Favela-BH/kosh-Nairobi meetings in Brazil.

Presential actions/coverages:

January 24 and 27 – Meetings on 10Years Shared Communication/ through local activity . Sharing with- Ponto por Ponto, Observatório do Direito à Comunicação – Intervozes , Música para Baixar, Agencia Pulsar, Agencia e Radio Tribo, Amarc, Radio Tierra, Rede Abraço, (streaming) and other, See page:

Comunicação Compartilhada não existe sem nova cultura

See images:

January 25-29 – Greater Porto Alegre 10 Years Social Forum and 10 Years World Social Forum Seminar, through local activity. Sharing with – IPS-Terra Viva, Radio Tierra, Agencia Ongnet, Carta Maior, Agencia and TV Brasil (publica), Grap, Laboratório de Comunicação e Cultura Compartilhada Pan-Amazonico, and other. See page:

January 25 – Februay 4 – Radios Favela-BH/Kosh-Nairobi meetins in Porto Alegre, Salvador, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo. through local activity. Sharing with – Radio Favela, Radio Kosh, Instituto Imel, Instituto Cultural Casa do Fernando, Observatório do Direito à Comunicação, and others

See page:

January 29-31 – Bahia Thematic Social Forum, Salvador. Through local activity. Sharing – Soweto, Carta Maior, Agencia Catarse, Radio Kosch, Radio Favela, Agencia Imel, Soweto. See page:

Mars 22-26 – Urban Social Forum , Rio de Janeiro. Through local activity and partinership

Sharing – Agencia Pulsar, Fazendo Media, Consciência, AIH, and other

Website/shared com:

See page:

Mars 8 – 18 – World Women March – International Action. Through local activity in Brazil. Sharing with: Sof-Marcha, CMI, Carta Maior, and Women&Media Network.Brasil Autogestionário and other. See page:

Also launching:

New website:


Activities – FSM 2010 shared coverages with alternative media

Strategy – Organize team to contribute to shared coverages of next events of WSF in América, mixing local and/or online activities, debating contributions for the next IC meeting,


through local activity, through a partnership, sharing online

April 19-22 – People’s Conference on Climate change – Cochabamba. Sharing online with WSF TV, CMPCC shared page, Via Campesina, Minga and other

May 2 -4 – Mexico City. Through local activity. Sharing with: Communication Comission participants, for comunication plenary

Parcial Report of activities of Ciranda sent to ComCom for the IC Meeting/May 2-4, 2010


Document of Ciranda+Shared projets sent to Com Com/IC


May 2-4 – Mexico Social Forum, Mexico City – through a partnership with representatives of Mexico Social Fórum Communication Comission

Sharing online with Saltos quanticos, Radio Zapote, Centro de Medios Libres de Ciudad de México, Tequio, Educa and other.

See page:

May 4 -5 – Solidarity Caravan to Oaxaca and Press Conference on SJCopala solidarity . Through local activity, sharing with representatives of Educa, Ciranda and members of IC WSF – Africa, Education SF, Local Authority Social Fórum, México Social Forum

See page:

June 22-26 – US Social Forum, Detroit. Sharing online with:

Reference website:

Sharing online with Yes!, Countercurrents, IPS and other

Calling: II Solidarity Caravan to Oaxaca, as shared communication initiative of solidarity


Activities – FSM 2010 shared coverages of alternative media

Strategy – Organize team to contribute with shared coverages of next events of WSF calendar,

June 29 – July 7 – Second Solidarity Caravan to Oaxaca – Coico DH – Comitê Internacional de Comunicación y Observación de Derechos Humanos. Through local activity. Sharing with: Educa, Caros Amigos, Radio Tribo, Carta Italia and other.See page:

July 1-4 European Social Forum Istanbul, Through online activity

Sharing with: Reference website: http:/

See page:

July 27 – 29 – African and International WSF Seminar in Dakar

Sharing with: NGD, WSFTV, Ejoussour, IPS/TerraViva

August 11-15 – Americas Social Forum Asuncion. Through local activity.

Sharing: Alai, Amarc, Minga/Movimientos and FSA Al Día shared websites

See page:

Starting: Project for 2011/112



1. Closing 2010 activities

Activities – completion of activities, 2010, through shared coverages of World Education Forum in Palestine and V Pan-Amazon Social Forum. Sharing 48 hour of BDS Media Marathon and contribute to cover Cancun’s resistence. Take part in the IC Seminar in Dakar dan, make Ciranda 2010 report ant contribute to WSF 2011 communication initiatives.

Strategy – Mix last coverages at WSF events and Plans for Dakar activities

October 28-31 – World Education Forum in Palestine

Sharing with: AIC, E-jossour, and the website

See page:

Nov 9-11 – WSF International Council Meeting, Working with African/International Communication Commission on shared activites towards Dakar 2011

November 9-16 Week against the Apartheid Wall and Media Marathon 

Sharing with Stop the wall, Altermondo, Sur Sin Fronteras, Radio Tribus, Caros Amigos and other “”

See at Ciranda page:

November 25 – 29 – V Pan-Amazon Social Forum, Santarém

Sharing with: Puraqué, Rede Mocoronga, Itéia, Cepepo, Cedempa and others

See at Ciranda page:

Cancun –

2. Preparing ourselves for 2011

Report of Ciranda 2010 activities

Proposal for 2011-2012: Visibility for Alternative Media and Social Comunicators in Ciranda platform

Proposal for Dakar: Contribute to interactive and shared actions with comunications convergences towards Dakar

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