Impressões sobre o Kenya

Por Everton Rodrigues

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Community Radio in South Africa call for the GDA

Por Compas

The NCRF call on all community broadcasters in South Africa to support the global community radio movement's efforts in solidarity with the WSF (World Social Forum) call for Day of Mobilization and Action - January 26th 2008. The NCRF will support and part...


Por Compas


Leave the oil in the soil, the resources in the ground

Por Compas

The Bali conference featured an alternative movement-building component outside: a Climate Justice Now! coalition made up of Carbon Trade Watch (the Transnational Institute); the Center for Environmental Concerns; Focus on the Global South; the Freedom fro...

Paz, soberania, desenvolvimento e justiça social

Por Compas

Com a chamada "Paz, soberania , desenvolvimento e justiça social", a Central Única dos Trabalhadores está convocando o Dia de Mobilização e Ação Global, 26 de janeiro, em todo o país. Em São Paulo, na próxima sexta-feira (11), a Coordenação dos...

Our island has broken into two pieces

Por Compas

The people of the Carteret Islands are about to make history, as they begin to leave their island to find a new home. Rising seas are making their atoll uninhabitable making land too salty to grow food and by gradually wasing the beaches on the small, sand...

Chandelles et lanternes

Por Steve Foster

Dans le cadre de la mobilisation du 26 JANVIER...LA NEIGE BRÛLE À la défense de nos droits collectifs, de la paix et de l'environnement. LE RÉSEAU DES LESBIENNES DU QUÉBEC (RLQ-QLN) ET LE CONSEIL QUÉBÉCOIS DES GAIS ET LESBIENNES (CQGL) vous c...

El grande encuentro en el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México

Por Salvador Aguilar

Como se sabe, el FSM es un proceso alternativo de convergencia de alcance mundial frente a la globalidad neoliberal, neo-colonial y neo-imperialista en el que participan ciudadanos, organizaciones civiles y movimientos sociales independientes. A diferencia...