The WSF Global Action Week starts at Palestina
Foto: inminds Audio: Here This January 22, 2008 global press conferences on Palestine, Phillipines and South Korea have started to announce details of the 2008 decentralized World Social Forum Global Day of Mobilization and Action. Listen to the first ...
Llamamiento a favor de otro mundo y otra Segovia posibles
El Foro Social de Segovia se une a la Semana de Acción que culminará en un Día de Movilización y Acción Global el 26 de Enero de 2008, que será realizado por todas las organizaciones y movimientos a nivel internacional, nacional y local, organizando ...
Action Global en Ciudad de México
Unas 600 organizaciones sociales y No Gubernamentales (ONG) participarán en los debates del Foro Social Mundial México 2008 (FSM), que tiene como fecha de inicio el próximo 22 de enero y de clausura el 26. Sin embargo, desde el día 19, se dará inicio...
Asia-Pacific region join the WSF 2008 experiment
Social movements all over the world once more united in the observance of the World Social Forum (WSF), which culminated on 26, January 2008. This convergence was designed to strengthen the link between grassroots and national experience, on the one hand a...
26 de Janeiro em ação solidária aos gays da Turquia
26 de janeiro foi dia de dar visibilidade às acções de solidariedade internacional aos e às homossexuais da Turquia e suas entidades, considerando que a repressão judicial contra a Lambdaistambul está muito pouco mediatizada, na Turquia como no resto...
A group of vocal demonstrators responded to Pakistan's President Musharraf to London on Saturday. Around 40 people, some wearing face masks of the President, gathered outside 10 Downing Street, to voice their criticism of President Musharraf's human rights...
The six days Philippines Peasant march
It is aimed at pressing the peasants demands for land throught a genuine agrarian reforma. It was blocked by policeman, preventing them from reaching the palace gates Watch the video produced for the Global Day exchanges
Global Action Day – P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E S – 22th
P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E S - 22th WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2008: A GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION AND MOBILISATION To join press pool write to: press@wsf2008.net Millions of women and men, organizations, networks, movements, trade unions from all parts of the w...