Now we know, Kenya is not special
It is true that the seeds of tribalism manifested in the current conflict were planted in colonial Kenya and watered during the presidencies of Kenyatta and Moi. But have we forgotten that in 2002, Kenyans were prepared to put all that behind them and bui...
Predictable events in Kenya
Recent events in Kenya were predictable. Since January 2007, FIDH has been sounding the alarm about the ethnic clashes orchestrated by political parties, both prior to and following the elections in Kenya. This short documentary, filmed by FIDH in January ...
Videos from Atlanta
The People's Caravan rocked and rolled thru Atlanta January 26 on the Global Day of Action. The caravanistas confronted the familiar local faces of global oppression in the "city too busy to hate." They told the World of Coke "another world is possible." T...
Movimentos sociais se encontram na Praça Sete em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Marcha Mundial de Mulheres, Brigadas Populares, ativistas do Jornal Brasil de Fato, militantes pela Democratização da Comunicação, CUT, bordadeiras contra a transposição do rio São Francisco, crianças, jovens, idosos, moradores de rua... Todos (as...
New Caledonia demonstration supports jailed strikers
About 500 people demonstrated outside New Caledonia's main court house last week in support of ten workers arrested during recent clashes with Noumea police. The clashes, which left more than 20 people injured, erupted after 200 police used tear gas and ru...
Le passage en Égypte
Après une série d'explosions, au petit matin du mercredi 23 janvier, qui ont soufflé de larges portions du mur séparant la Bande de Gaza de l'Égypte, des dizaines de milliers de Palestiniens ont traversé la frontière à la recherche de nourriture, d...
Davos : Dangereuse suffisance concernant l’économie mondiale
Foto: Indymedia.be Les leaders politiques et du monde des affaires réunis à Davos cette semaine dans le cadre du Forum économique mondial ne semblent pas près d'admettre leur incapacité à gérer la gouvernance de l'économie mondiale, d'après la dÃ...
[en]Puppets of the Global Action[pt]Bonecos da Ação Global