Trops who refuse to fight

Rallies and vigils are being planned in Washington D.C., New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Minneapolis to support January 25 vigils and delegations in support of U.S. war resisters currently seeking sanctuary Canada.

Supporters will meet with officials at Canadian Consulates across the United States to underscore that many people in this country hope that the Canadian Parliament votes (possible as early as February) in favor of a provision to allow war resisters to remain. Download and distribute the Jan. 25-26 action leaflet (PDF).

Supporting the war resisters in Canada is a concrete way to demonstrate your support of the troops who refuse to fight. We can all help end the war by supporting the growing GI resistance movement today!

* Details about January 25-26 actions/events in support of U.S. war resisters.

* Sign the letter “Dear Canada: Let U.S. War Resisters Stay!” and encourage others to sign — see more information below.

* Organize a delegation to a Canadian Consulate near you.

* Host an event or house-party in support of war resisters.

The following day, Saturday, January 26, the War Resisters Support Campaign (Canada) ( has called for a Canada-wide mobilization to ensure that deportation proceedings against U.S. war resisters cease immediately, and to support a sanctuary provision. If you are in Canada, we hope you will participate in these important actions, and if you know people in Canada, please pass this email along to them.

Today the fate of approximately 200 U.S. war resisters in Canada is at a very critical juncture. Your support can make a difference. Let the Canadian government know that you support U.S. servicemembers that are taking a stand against the Iraq war. They should not be deported to face prosecution for following their conscience and upholding international law.

On December 6, 2007, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration of the House of Commons in Ottawa adopted a motion that was a critical victory for Iraq War resisters seeking sanctuary in Canada. It’s now possible that the full House of Commons may vote on this resolution as early as February. However, in the meantime, deportation is becoming a real possibility for some of the resisters. It is critical to build momentum in the wake of this important first victory.

Yours, in peace and justice,

Leslie Cagan
National Coordinator, UFPJ

Sign the letter: “Dear Canada: Let U.S. War Resisters Stay!”

Courage to Resist has sent thousands of International First-Class letters to Canadian officials on behalf of people living in the U.S. in support of the war resisters since November. We’ve also collected thousands of petitions. These will be delivered to the Consulate General of Canada in San Francisco on January 25. If you have not already done so, please sign the letter online today.

In the past few years, tens of thousands of service members have resisted illegal war and occupation in a number of different ways?by going AWOL, seeking conscientious objector status and/or a discharge, asserting the right to speak out against injustice from within the military, and for a relative few, publicly refusing to fight.

While there are those who would like to dismiss war resisters as “cowards,” the reality is that it takes exceptional courage to resist unjust, illegal, and/or immoral orders. For many resisters, it was their first-hand experiences as occupation troops that compelled them to take a stand.

Handwritten letters can have a great impact, but you can also sign the letter online ( or download and mail the letter yourself.
Visit our Canada campaign resources page for organizer kits, sample letter, posters, and more.

After you’ve signed the letter online or mailed your own letter urging Canadian officials to “Let U.S. war resisters stay!” write letters of support to the courageous resisters in Canada.

Send to:
War Resisters Support Campaign
Box 13, 427 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1X7 CANADA

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