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The passing of Pip Starr

Pip Starr, documentary maker,

The video activist and documentary marker Pip Starr passed away passed away on Tuesday the 22nd of January 2008. He was a great companion who had worked closely within the Australian activism community, for 10 years as an independent journalist, reporter, and film maker who documented anti-nuclear, climate change, globalisation, indigenous and many other social justice movements in Australia and the Pacific, working with Indymedia, Engagemedia, Friends of the Earth and Community Television such as Ska TV and Bent TV.


“His contribution was enormous and his departure will leave a great hole in the world of radical documentary film”, say the Engagemedia editorial team.

His seminal video activism on climate change brought the plight of the Carteret Islanders, who are suffering the devastation of rising sea levels caused by global warming, to world attention with his video, photos and activist reporting, such as in this September 2006 report on Carterets to be Evacuated.

His video on Carteret Islanders had been part of the stories collected for the Global Week of Action.

Video and text of the Carteret Islanders

Last interview here

New of the passing and links to another documentaries of Pip Starr

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