Os educadores : Gevanilda Santos, Gildean Silva “Panikinho” Pereira, Glauciana de Souza e Suelma Inês Alves de Deus irão apresentar a educação popular a partir da proposta metodológica do CIRCULO DE CULTURA com experiências desenvolvidas com os seguintes temas geradores:
1. Os sonhos e as idéias dos fundadores do Movimento Negro Unificado (M.N.U.)
2. As relações de poder da era dos Conselhos à Secretaria Especial de Promoção da Igualdade Racial (SEPPIR)
3. Diálogos com o Hip Hop na Diáspora.
OFICINA: Experiências de Educação Popular de Combate ao Racismo na Diáspora
Data: 29 de Janeiro de 2009 – quinta feira.
Local: Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) – básico – pavilhão Cb – sala 02
Horário: das 15h30 às 18h30
[en] In the Quenia’s Social Forum, in Nairobi, that happened in 2007, this theme was presented by Soweto and now, 2009, it will be back in the Belem do Para Social Forum with the objective of rethinking about the reality of the Brazilian racial relationships and stimulate a deeper theory about a new practice of a popular education.
The educators : Gevanilda Santos, Gildean Silva “Panikinho” Pereira, Glauciana de Souza e Suelma Inês Alves de Deus, will present the popular education starting from the methodological proposal of the CULTURE CIRCLE.
So, experiences will be reported with the following generators subjects :
1. The dreams and ideas of the founders of the Movimento Negro Unificado(M.N.U) 2.The Especial Secretary of the Racial Equality Council’s (SEPPIR) relations of power era and
3. Dialogs with the Hip Hop in Diaspora.
We hope you to participate!!!
Workshop: Experience of Popular Education of Combat against the Racism in the Diaspora.
Date: January,29 th – Thursday.
Place: Federal University of Pára(UFPA) – basic – standard Cb – room 02.
Time: From 3:30 P.M to 6:30 P.M.