Bangladesh observe Global Day of Action along with whole world

People’s resistance against Corporate Globalization
Along with other countries of the World, hatred and symbolic protest against Frankenstein of Corporate
Globalization Day is observed in Dhaka at Rabindra Sarobar open stage on Saturday (26 January) at

People express their hatred against Corporate Globalization by thronging stones towards symbol of
Corporate Globalization. Besides students, different social, human Rights and development organization
express solidarity with the Program. The gathering was organized by Global Economic Justice Forum

Member of Organizing Committee of Global Economic Justice Forum Nasimul Ahsan Deepu and Mohasin

Ali deliver their speeches.

Speaker of the gathering told that, along with Neo-liberalization, aggressive corporate trade is going on
unreservedly. Only few Developed countries get sole benefit of this Neo-liberal Economic Globalization.
Free market Economy turned out as open plundering space. As a result “Economic Justice” in jeopardy.
In this hatred gathering, Speakers also told that, IMF, ADB, World Bank and WTO inflict exploitative
trade against developing country in disguise of doing Development. They also made call toward Mass-
Media to create public opinion in favour of people’s interest.

Speakers express their apprehension by mentioning that natural wealth, potential industrial development,
Port, national culture everything is jeopardized by influence of the neo-liberal Economy. They told that
decision making ability of Bangladesh on Political-Economic decision making becomes squeezed to a
extreme low level.

Besides, Global Justice Economic Forum obtain detailed program from coming 29 to 31 January 2008 with
the participation of more than fifty National and International Organization.

Program from 29 to 31 January 2007

“Global Economic Justice Forum 2008” will be inaugurated with open discussion and cultural program on
29 January at 4.00 pm in Rabindra Sarobar open stage. On 30n Janurary from 10.00am to 12.30pm and
from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm different discussion, Seminar, Youth Forum and Media Forum will be held on
parallel way at 7 Venue of Chaianot of Djhanmandi, BIBM, WVA and BILIA Auditorium. On 31 January
2007, from 10.00am to 12.30pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, different discussion session, Seminar,
Youth Forum and Media Forum will commence in parallels session. The closing session will be with
cultural program, theatre and disclosing of the declaration of the Forum at 4.00pm at Rabindra Sarobar
Open Stage. Along with Solo performance of Fahmida Nabi, Bappa Majumdar, theater “Rarang” will be
performed by Dhaka Padatik.

Dipu Hasan

On Behalf of Media Committee
Global Economic Justice Forum 2008

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