A De- militarized World is Possible and A De-militarized World is Necessary!

The International No Foreign Bases Network is inviting organizations, networks, and communities working to abolish foreign military bases to join and organize an action on or around the date of 26 January 2008.

The last Global Day of Action on 15 February 2003, protested the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, with 38 million people participating from every corner of the globe. 26 January 2008 will mark the second attempt at an action of this scale, and will be taking the place of an in-person meeting at a World Social Forum. Instead we will meet on the streets to be part of this international day of action.

As a part of this day of action, the International Organizing Committee of the NO Foreign Bases Network would like to show the people of the world that there is a growing voice and movement against the presence and proliferation of foreign military bases in countries where demands for justice and self-determination are being thwarted by the expansion of foreign bases.

Opposition to foreign military presence has a long and rich history. Wherever there’s a military base, there is usually a movement resisting its encroachment on sovereignty and democracy. Around the world, communities, social movements, women’s organisations, political parties, environmental groups, intellectuals and religious groups have been campaigning in various ways through the years against foreign military presence, militarisation, and military interventions. In some cases, such efforts have taken the form of a specific single-issue campaign. In others, the campaign has been part of broader movements for independence and social justice.

For the many groups who work on campaigns around the issue of foreign military presence in their communities, we hope that the 26 January 2008 Global Day of Action can serve as a rallying and unifying call to further grassroots organising, educational campaigns, and political mobilization. Let us build on the momentum of the first- ever international conference against military bases, because A De- militarized World is Possible and A De-militarized World is Necessary!

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