VI European Social Forum

Por mgdCuNk9du

European Social Forum, is an open space where civil society groups and movements opposed to neo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism, but engaged in building a society centered on the human person, come together to purs...

International Poverty Summit in Detroit

Por Translated by Jennifer Cox

For all who are coming the United States Social Forum next week in Detroit, the Poverty Working Group, organized by Detroit hosting organizations Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the National Welfare Rights Union, and national organizations of the ...

A Climate Call From The Coast

Por mgdCuNk9du

This documentary film by KP Sasi is a call from coastal communities in Kerala state of south India, who are beginning to see the impacts of global warming and climate change at close quarters. While scientists have yet to establish how exactly weather, win...

The People’s Freedom Caravan goes to the United States Social Forum in Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

The People’s Freedom Caravan is a Social Movement on Wheels–a Convergence of Grassroots Communities along the way to the second United States Social Forum (USSF), happening June 22-June 26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan. As the participants repor...

A Caravana Popular da Liberdade ruma para o Fórum Social em Detroit

Por mgdCuNk9du

A Caravana Popular da Liberdade >] é o Movimento Social sobre rodas – uma convergência das comunidades de base que estão ao longo do percurso para o segundo Fórum Social dos Estados Unidos (USSF) que acontec...

7 videos about the WSF-Dakar process

Por mgdCuNk9du

Après le Con­seil inter­na­tio­nal du Forum Social Mon­dial à Mexico du 5 au 7 mai, des mem­bres du comité d’orga­ni­sa­tion du FSM de Dakar ont fait une halte à Paris. Une ren­con­tre a été orga­ni­sée avec eux, le lundi 10 mai 2010...

¿Qué pasa en San Juan Copala?

Por mgdCuNk9du

Diversas movilizaciones en Oaxaca, México e internacionalmente se van sucediendo desde que un conjunto de organizaciónes del Consejo Internacional del Foro Social Mundial han manifestado solidariedad con los pueblos Triqui de San Juan Copala, participa...

Israel Attacks

Por mgdCuNk9du

Israeli commandos have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships off the coast of the Gaza Strip, killing up to 19 people on board. Dozens of others were injured when troops raided the convoy of six ships, dubbed the Freedom Flotilla, early on Monday. Is...