//Tunis 2013

Celebrating Multilinguism at the World Social Forum
Would you deem yourself able to understand – even partially – the general meaning of a text written in a language you know nothing about (except maybe its existence) such as Basque, Estonian, Hungarian or Turkish? Of course you can! This was the inten...

Trade union exchanges experiences in the World Social Forum
After attending the International Trade Union Meeting in Paris, France, the Metalworkers Union of São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, also sent a representative to the World Social Forum, held in Tunis, Tunisia, on March 26-30, 2013. At the event, ...

La Tunisie, nouvelle Mecque de l’altermondialisme ?
Du 12 au 18 juillet, s'est déroulée à Monastir, charmante station balnéaire de 60 000 habitants de l'Est de la Tunisie, l'assemblée préparatoire du Forum Social Mondial de l'année prochaine. Du 24 au 27 mars 2013, le prochain FSM devrait se déroule...