//Tunis 2013

3rd WFMF puts freedom of expression at the centre of debate
TUNISIA – In its third world edition, the Free Media Forum arrived in Tunisia with a double mission. Inserted in the program of the Free Media Forum 2013, the WFMF had two main objectives. The first was to integrate actors, activists, organizations, alte...

Revolution’s injured still fight for justice
One of the most moving moments during our visit to the World Social Forum in Tunis was to see the protest of mothers and families of the martyrs of Kasserine, wailing with grief as they held the pictures of their massacred relatives, and asked for justice ...

North and South met in Tunes to build progressive alliances
Between 26 and 30 March, the World Social Forum 2013 took place in Tunis. At the major event, organised in the country where the Arab Revolutions started in 2010, SOLIDAR officially launched its new cooperation network initiative for Social Justice in the ...

Many open questions
When municipal garbage collectors managers swept up the last leaflets in Tunis on the Evening of 30 March 2013, the World Social Forum’s organising committee very probably heaved a sigh of relief. The five-day mega-event with 4000 registered groups a...

Fórum Social Mundial 2013 – o sucesso de um método
Foi-me solicitado fazer um balanço do processo do FSM, depois de doze anos de existência. Não posso apresentar uma lista do que ocorreu nesse tempo, o que seria inclusive fastidioso. Nem tampouco analisar em poucas páginas os altos e baixos do processo...

Descolonizando el FSM
“¿Quién produce conocimiento sobre el FSM y para quién?” Con este y otros interrogantes iniciales planteados por los organizadores, se desarrolló el 28 de marzo la actividad ‘Descolonizando el FSM’ con la participación de personas de varios pa...

Excerpt from an Interview with Samir Amin
Those who come to the World Social Forum are those who are able to pay for it, and therefore it makes a selection which excludes, unfortunately, many of the movements which are in struggle, of organizations, classes, which are in struggle here or there. An...

WCC addresses mining and extraction issues at World Social Forum
These concerns emerged in a World Council of Churches (WCC) workshop at the World Social Forum held in Tunis, Tunisia, from 26 to 30 March. The workshop titled “From eco-debt to eco-justice: mining, reparations and defending the global commons” engage...