//Towards Dakar

Denying Brazil
This documentary is a plain-speaking and fascinating unmasking of the white racism endemic in Brazilian television’s most popular genre, which in the USA we would call the soap opera, but which throughout Latin America is known as the telenovela. The te...

Um pouco do cinema da África e da Diáspora
Apesar da crescente dificuldade enfrentada pelos diretores africanos em criar e distribuir seus trabalhos, sua missão permanece firme de recontextualizar e reimaginar a África no mundo pós-moderno. Os primeiros trabalhos de cinema africano surgiram da ...

“Most Argentines, if you ask, will tell you: ‘In Argentina there are no black people.’” So opens AFROARGENTINES, a film which unearths the hidden history of black people in Argentina and their contributions to Argentine culture and society, from th...

Invitation to participate in the strategy debate
--The Strategy Commission of the WSF - International Council is organizing a strategical debate. It proposes to involve in this debate magazines, sites and institutions working with the social and citizens movements constituting the WSF process.--The area ...
Prioritizing Africa & the African Diaspora
The following document reflects the true sentiments of the collective body of D2D PMA participants and has been submitted to the USSF. Thanks to all that participated in creating this vibrant living document ! Special thanks to Liepollo Pheko, Briggs Bomba...

We did it!
Congratulations to all organizations and individuals who made the D2D initiative a success in Detroit! It was without doubt a great participatory process that met its goal of strategically linking discussions at the 2nd U.S. Social Forum in Detroit to issu...

The Detroit to Dakar Initiative
D2D s an initiative that has brought together Africa-focused organizations from around the U.S, to coordinate activities and enhance participation at the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit June 22 - 26, 2010. The goal of D2D is to promote issues related to Afri...

Foro Social de Radios invita para la cobertura del FSM hasta Dakar
Amarc América Latina informa que ha puesto en funcionamiento a través de una convocatoria abierta a radios comunitarias y ciudadanas para que participen dando cobertura a la diversas acciones y foros preparados para este año. La experiencia acumulada en...