Premiers pas vers Rio + 10

Por Compas

[it]Le 10 Février 2011, à 2:00 pm à Dakar / Sénégal, a été réalisée l ‘Assemblée sur Rio +20. Avec un auditoire d’environ 200 personnes, avec la présence de nombreux internationaux importants et les mouvements sociaux brésiliens, la session...

Pasos hacia Río + 10

Por Compas

[it]El 10 de febrero de 2011, a las 2:00 pm en Dakar, Senegal, se celebró la “Asamblea de Río +20″. Con una audiencia de unas 200 personas y presencia de muchos movimientos sociales importantes internacionales y brasileños, se abrió la sesión con ...

[it]Steps to the Rio + 10[en]Steps to the Rio + 10

Por Compas

[it]On February 10, 2011, at 2:00 pm in Dakar/Senegal, was held the “Assembly on Rio +20”. With an audience of about 200 people, with the presence of many important international and Brazilian social movements, the session was opened with participatio...

Passos para a Rio + 10

Por Compas

No dia 10 de fevereiro de 2011, às 14 horas, em Dakar/Senegal, realizou-se a Assembleia sobre a Rio+20. Com uma plateia de cerca de 200 pessoas, tendo presente movimentos sociais internacionais e brasileiros importantes neste debate, a plenária foi abert...

Fatimatou Djibo, do Níger, denuncia a violência contra as mulheres do campo

Por Compas

Destaques del Foro Social Mundial 2011

Por Compas

- Migrantes: Por el derecho a la libre circulación/ Migrantes: Pelo direito à livre circulação/ Migrants: For the right to free movement - FSM: Declaración de la Asamblea de los Movimientos Sociales / FSM: Declaração da Assembleia dos Movimentos So...

WSF participants debate the Mining Regime in Serra Leoa

Por Compas

The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) this morning, Wednesday 9 February 2011, hosted a symposium at the University of Cheik Anta Diop, the main venue of the World Social Forum, in Dakar, Senegal. The topic for the symposium was: Reforms ...

Dakar Appeal against the land grab

Por Compas

Undoubtedly, land grabbing was one of the main axes of mobilization during the last World Social Forum (WSF) in Dakar. Various social movements, faith-based groups, environmental, development and human rights organizations organized a series of events revo...