Israel pledges to worsen Palestinian prisoner conditions

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Ary Gotlib, Palestine Monitor - Israel's Public Security Minister, Gilad Erdan, declared on January 2, a "worsening" in the conditions of security prisoners in Israeli prisons reported Haaretz. It would include, among other measures, rationing water supp...

Israel pressured to allow vaccines into occupied Palestine

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

-# Ary Gotlib, Palestine Monitor - In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the children’s fund, UNICEF, the Palestinian Ministry of Health succeeded in pressuring the Israeli authorities to allow entry of vaccines for children for 2...

Día de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino y el éxito del BDS en 2018

Por Omar Barghouti,

Hoy en día, el Día Internacional de la Solidaridad con las personas palestinas, y las celebraciones de la transición de los movimientos de los movimientos de los pueblos hacia los palestinos, han hecho con su apoyo. Estamos expuestos a Israel los críme...

Dia de solidariedade com o povo palestino e o sucesso do BDS em 2018

Por Omar Barghouti,

Hoje marca o Dia Internacional da Solidariedade com o Povo Palestino e celebramos os extraordinários passos que o movimento BDS pelos direitos palestinos fez com o seu apoio. Estamos expondo os crimes de Israel e as políticas do apartheid e construindo p...

Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and BDS success in 2018

Por Omar Barghouti,

Today marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and we celebrate the extraordinary strides that the BDS movement for Palestinian rights has made with your support. We are exposing Israel’s crimes and apartheid policies and bu...

Israel proíbe a ativista adolescente Ahed Tamimi de viajar

Por Lekapo

Marc Henry, Palestine Monitor - Ahed Tamimi e sua família foram proibidas de viajar para o exterior, segundo o pai da ativista adolescente. A ativista de 17 anos foi libertada da prisão de Israel em julho, depois de cumprir uma sentença de oito meses p...

Israel bans teen activist Ahed Tamimi from travelling

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Marc Henry, Palestine Monitor - Ahed Tamimi and her family have been banned from travelling abroad, according to the teen activist’s father. The 17-year old activist was released from Israeli prison in July, after serving an eight-month sentence for sl...

WATCH: Ahed and Nariman Tamimi released after 8 months of imprisonment

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Maria Correia, Palestine Monitor - Ahed Tamimi and her mother Nariman Tamimi were released last Sunday from the Sharon prison in Israel after serving an 8-month sentence. During their release, Ahed thanked the international community for their activism a...