El día que 20 millones de musulmanes marchan contra ISIS en Irak
Matt Agorist Free Thought Project Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00 UTC En una de las marchas organizadas más grandes de la historia del mundo, decenas de millones de musulmanes chiítas hicieron una declaración increíblemente alentadora, arriesgando sus vidas pa...
The day when 20 million Shia Muslims, in defiance of ISIS, marked holy day of Arbaeen in Iraq
Matt Agorist Free Thought Project Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00 UTC In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-strick...
Résistence par une communication non-aliénée
Ilustration: Gurleen Rai « En août 1996, nous avons appelé à la création d’un réseau de médias indépendants, un réseau d’information. Nous entendons par là un réseau pour résister au pouvoir du mensonge qui nous vend cette guerre que n...
A la espera de una comunicación no alienada
Ilustración: Gurleen Rai “En agosto de 1996, hicimos un llamamiento para la creación de una red de media independiente, una red de información. Nos referimos a una red que resista el poder de la mentira que nos vende esta guerra que nosotros llamam...
Resistindo por uma comunicação não-alienada
Ilustração: Gurleen Rai "Em agosto de 1996, nós pedimos a criação de uma rede de mídia independente, uma rede de informações. Quer dizer, uma rede para resistir ao poder da mentira que nos vende esta guerra que chamamos Quarta Guerra Mundial. Pre...
Holding Out for Un-alienated Communication
Ilustration: : Gurleen Rai “In August 1996, we called for the creation of a network of independent media, a network of information. We mean a network to resist the power of the lie that sells us this war that we call the Fourth World War. We need this...
FMML au Senegal
An Awkward Silence
Por Hartosh Singh Bal The historian Mukul Kesavan’s column in The Telegraph on 12 February was titled “A Delicate Balance: The state of the fourth estate.” In it, Kesavan begins by saying that “Midway through Narendra Modi’s term in office …...