Emergency call by the Kurdish people

Por mgdCuNk9du

The AKP Government’s ongoing pressures such as the arrest operationsagainst Kurds and democrats have created a deep political trauma. It is clear that,these operations amount to a political massacre. Kurdish politicians including MPs,mayors and members o...

Call for solidarity with the Kurdish prisoners in Turkey

Por mgdCuNk9du

‘From 15th October onwards all PKK and PAJK inmates inTurkey and Kurdistan’s prisons will join in the indefinite hunger strike. Rather than respond to the demands of people on hunger strike, the AKP government has attacked prisoners with solita...

The vicinity of the Kurdish city of Semdinli in Turkey is under the control of Kurdish Guerillas!

Por mgdCuNk9du

The HPG Guerillas who are part of the PKK, have been in control of a large vicinity of the Semdinli Town of Hakkari City for the past 9 days, and have reported that 49 special forces members have been killed and 2 military helicopters which include a Cobra...

The Kurdish march, 3 degrees below zero . See images

Por Ercan Ayboga

From the UN to the EU

Por Ercan Ayboga

The “Freedom for Ocalan, Political Status for Kurdish People” march got under way on the 1st of February under the call of the Federation of Kurdish Associations in Europe (KON-KURD). Kurds from all across Europe poured into Geneva. Kurds came to Genev...

Long March on its seventh day

Por mgdCuNk9du

ANF, 06 February 2012 The long march of Kurdish politicians, intellectuals, writers and their friends continues in the seventh day. In the perishing cold at minus 12 degrees, protestors are moving towards Basel where a big meeting will be held on February...

The Kurdish march, day by day

Por mgdCuNk9du

-On the 31st of January there will be a press release in Geneva. The press release will be between 10.00-14.00 in front of the United Nations. After the press release the march will have been officially started. -On the 1st of February at 8.00 the march ...

End the massacre of Kurds in Turkey!

Por Ercan Ayboga

Following the authorisation given by the Turkish government to its army to attack all life forms seen in the Kurdish countryside, Turkish war planes have begun a process of systematic massacre against the Kurdish people. This systematic killing has claimed...