New Report on Civilian Victims of Turkish Attacks in Iraqi Kurdistan
Map: Middle East Eye On 19 July 2022 an attack was recorded in the village of Parakhe, near Zakho (Duhok province). The attack saw 9 civilians killed and 24 wounded. This kind of attack by Turkey, which targets civilians, has been taking place for seven ...

US Shows its Real Face in Choosing Turkey over the Kurds
Photo by Free Kurdistan. This article originally appeared on TeleSUR English. When waging war, picking the right allies is a careful business. You must make concessions, without giving in too much. You need to rely on someone else, without becoming too de...

MMM solidária às mulheres curdas
A Marcha Mundial das Mulheres nasceu no ano 2000 como uma grande mobilização que reuniu mulheres do mundo todo em uma campanha contra a pobreza e a violência. As ações começaram em 8 de março, Dia Internacional da Mulher, e terminaram em 17 de outub...

Kurdish people under brutal threat of Islamic State

International campaign for Kurdish representation at Geneva II
The signatories expressed support to the peace efforts initiated towards ending the war in Syria that has been going on for almost three years, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the displacement of millions more and the destruction...

Mulheres mortas em Paris difundiam luta curda pelo mundo
Nas fotos, Sakine Cansız, Fidan Dogan e Leyla Söylemez Em junho de 2012, a ativista curda Fidan Dogan, conhecida como Rojbin, integrante do movimento das mulheres livres e membro do Congresso Nacional do Curdisão baseado na Bélgica, esteve no Rio de J...

Noam Chomsky’s Urgent Call to the Turkish Government
"...to respond to the desperate hunger strike, which is now reaching extremely dangerous conditions, by attending to the demands that have been put forth, which I think are just reasonable and to alleviate the crisis that is now arising and will get much w...

Letters from the hunger strikes
Message from the Hunger Strikers Edirne F Type Prison Barış Mete, born in 1975 in Malatya: ‘I’ve been in prison for 7 years. I have a year and a half of sentence left. As you knowthe isolation of our leader, Abdullah Öcalan, is intensifying day...