Dois ativistas do Fórum Social do Iraque desaparecem em Bagdá

Por Lekapo

O Centro de Informações do Iraque para Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento iniciou uma campanha exigindo a libertação imediata de Omar Al-Amri e Salman Al-Mansoori, que foram presos ou sequestrados em uma missão para comprar tendas e outras necessidades dos ma...

Two activists in the Iraqi Social Forum disappear in Baghdad

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

The Iraqi Information Center for Research and Development has started a campaign demanding the immediate release of Omar Al-Amri and Salman Al-Mansoori, who were arrested or kidnapped on a mission to purchase tents and other needs for the peaceful protest...

El día que 20 millones de musulmanes marchan contra ISIS en Irak

Por Lekapo

Matt Agorist Free Thought Project Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00 UTC En una de las marchas organizadas más grandes de la historia del mundo, decenas de millones de musulmanes chiítas hicieron una declaración increíblemente alentadora, arriesgando sus vidas pa...

The day when 20 million Shia Muslims, in defiance of ISIS, marked holy day of Arbaeen in Iraq

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Matt Agorist Free Thought Project Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:00 UTC In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-strick...

Iraq Social Forum 2015 – Nasiriyah Celebrating Religious and Cultural Diversity

Por WSF News/Noticias FSM

The festival included a range of different activities, and involved people of many different religions and faiths, such as Mandaeans and Muslims (Shiites and Sunnis). Civil society activists from all communities of Nasiriyah participated. The festival re...

مبادرة تضامن المجتمع

Por mgdCuNk9du

بغداد 9-7-2014 في الوقت الذي يتعرض فيه وطننا العراق، الى هجمة ظلامية للكارهين للحياة، مهددين وحدة اراضينا، زارعين الشقاق بين اطياف الشعب العرا...

The Iraqi Social Forum calls for social and media action

Por mgdCuNk9du

Baghdad 09/07/2014 Our country, Iraq, is suffering under the weight of a merciless attack which threatens our territorial integrity, seeds discord between the various sects of the Iraqi people, which cares not a bit for the safety of the people, and which...

Journalists in Iraq

Por mgdCuNk9du

The Press Freedom Advocacy Association released its annual report for 2013, highlighting the serious deterioration in the working conditions and the safety of journalists in Iraq over the last year. The Association cited 286 cases of violent acts against j...