[en]Belém calls for the 2008 Global Action and the WSF 2009 [pt]Belém convida para Ação Global em 2008 e FSM em 2009

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en]Pictures: Jason Nardi Members of the World Social Forum International Council (IC) met with the press on November 1st, in Belém, in order to talk about the Global Day of Mobilization and Action, which will take place from January 20th to 26thm 2008...

[en]Demonstrate that Another World is Possible, in one Minute[pt]Mostre Outro Mundo Possível, em 1 Minuto

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Demonstrate that Another World is Possible IN ONE MINUTE! Participate with videos for Global Mobilization and Action January 2008. January 26, 2008 will throughout the day cover the world of colors, demonstrations, artistic performances, di...

[en]WSF`s Global Action starts to take shape [pt]Ação Global do FSM começa a ganhar forma

Por Rita Freire

[en]Photo: Puttheo Picture: Pubtheo Today, members of organizations, networks and social movements from different parts of the world and mainly from Amazonia, debated for over four hours in Belem which wil be the next preparatory steps for a Global Week ...

[pt]Coletiva do FSM no Barco Tribo dos Kayapós, dia 1º [en] WSF press conference at Tribo dos Kayapós boat

Por mgdCuNk9du

[pt] Fórum Social Mundial 2008-2009 C o l e t i v a d e i m p r e n s a Da África 2007 para a Amazônia 2009, o Fórum Social Mundial no mundo todo em 2008 O Conselho Internacional do Fórum Social Mundial, que se reunir...

[en]WSF Call for January 26th 2008 [pt] FSM convoca para 26 de Janeiro de 2008

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Why a Global Day of Mobilisation and Action? From the Zapatist uprising in 1994 and the Seattle demonstrations in 1999, a worldwide alliance of movements against neo-liberal globalisation, war, patriarchy, racism, colonialism and environmental dis...

There’s An Alternative World… If Only We Can Find It

Por mgdCuNk9du

DM: Let's start with the media issue. In the May 2005 referendum on the European constitution, most newspapers in France supported a yes vote, yet 55% of the electorate voted no. This suggests there is a limit to how far the media can manipulate public opi...