[en] Commitment to the WSF reflects diversity and resistance [es] El compromiso del FSM refleja La diversidad y la resistencia [pt]Engajamento ao FSM reflete diversidade e resistência
[en] This time, the WSF seems to have taken a risky step when decided to bet on a global and decentralized action, which could even have been a non-forum if we consider last years' mobilization difficulties. Do you think this was the right decision? Ro...
FSM mais perto
Este ano, o Foro Social Mundial non se reúne nun escenario único, tal e como aconteceu no pasado, e a pesar dalgún intento de diversificación, en Porto Alegre, en Mumbai ou en Nairobi. Tendo en conta dalgúns dos problemas que a fórmula despregada no ...
Un travail décent pour une vie décente
Bruxelles, le 26 janvier 2008 : Le Forum social mondial, qui a vu le jour à Porto Alegre, Brésil, en 2001, se mobilise aujourd'hui aux quatre coins de la planète dans le cadre d'une Journée d'action mondiale. Des centaines de syndicats et d'organisatio...
In Solidarity
Another World is Possible: the 2008 edition of the World Social Forum is taking place on January 26 all over the globe. You can watch the vídeo HERE
A De- militarized World is Possible and A De-militarized World is Necessary!
The International No Foreign Bases Network is inviting organizations, networks, and communities working to abolish foreign military bases to join and organize an action on or around the date of 26 January 2008. The last Global Day of Action on 15 February...
Acabem com a Nakba!
No dia 26 de janeiro de 2008, pessoas ao redor do mundo se unirão contra o neoliberalismo, colonialismo e racismo. Nós endossamos um chamado global para uma ação promovida pelo Fórum Social Mundial e chamamos todas as pessoas com consciência para, em...
[en] The longest day for housing rights without borders[pt]O mais longo Dia de luta pelo Direito à Moradia sem fronteiras[fr]Le jour le plus long pour le droit au logement sans frontières[es]El día más longo por el derecho a la vivienda sin fronteras[it]Il giorno più lungo per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere
[en]Will see the start of inhabitants' organizations and social urban movements' initiatives in the Far East of the Russian Federation which will set the wheels in motion for housing rights without borders as part of the WSF's 2008 Global Day of Mobilizati...
Global Action Day – P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E S – 22th
P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E S - 22th WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2008: A GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION AND MOBILISATION To join press pool write to: press@wsf2008.net Millions of women and men, organizations, networks, movements, trade unions from all parts of the w...