Campaign “Free Assange!”

Por IPA Europe

Julian Assange remains imprisoned in Belmarsh Prison, in the United Kingdom. Subject to inhumane prison conditions, physical and psychological torture, Assange awaits the verdict of his extradition trial, which will be known on January 4. If the British co...

The crisis of Capitalism, role of technology and our imaginations

Por Lekapo

The technology and protocols that drive the Internet were inventions of scientists working for the U.S. government. Over time, however, it has become clear that the Internet is, actually, its 4.5 billion users, and it has developed with the engagement of j...

Ecuador. Trabajadores de Medios Públicos perderían sus empleos

Por Ana Trigueiro Sola

Trabajadores de los medios públicos de comunicación en Ecuador se enfrentan a la pérdida de sus empleos tras el decreto ejecutivo del presidente Lenín Moreno como respuesta a la falta de fondos de la empresa que los rige. Tras la orden del mandatario,...

Israel tenta deportar jornalista palestino apátrida e ele é barrado pela Jordania

Por Lekapo

Foto: Jornalista Mustafa Al-Haruf [Twitter] Um jornalista palestino apátrida foi duas vezes impedido de entrar na Jordânia na noite de domingo (21), enquanto as autoridades israelenses tentavam deportá-lo, informou o Haaretz. Mustafa Al-Haruf nasceu n...

Israel tries to deport stateless Palestinian journalist, Jordan refuses him entry

Por Lekapo

A stateless Palestinian journalist was twice refused entry into Jordan on Sunday night, as Israeli authorities attempted to deport him, reported Haaretz. Mustafa Al-Haruf was born in Algeria but has lived with his family in occupied East Jerusalem since h...