Campaign “Free Assange!”

Julian Assange remains imprisoned in Belmarsh Prison, in the United Kingdom. Subject to inhumane prison conditions, physical and psychological torture, Assange awaits the verdict of his extradition trial, which will be known on January 4. If the British court grants the extradition, Julian Assange can be sentenced up to 170 years in prison in the United States.

On December 10, International Human Rights Day is celebrated, a global day to commemorate the importance of the Universal System for the protection of human rights throughout the world. Based on an initiative of the International Assembly of Peoples, the International Week of Anti-imperialist Struggle promotes a campaign in solidarity with Julian Assange, which consists of sending an open letter to the Government of the United Kingdom, through its diplomatic delegations abroad – missions, embassies, high commissions.

It seeks to generate the greatest possible impact, both in terms of the number of letters sent and the number of diplomatic delegations from the United Kingdom that receive said letter. The purpose of the action is, on the one hand, to mobilize the militants of the organizations that are part of the AIP (as well as other allied organizations) in as many countries as possible. On the other hand, we also seek to send a clear message to the UK authorities: the whole world is watching the Julian Assange case.

Upon receipt of this communication, you will be able to enter the URL and send the open letter. On the website, we will collect all shipments until December 10th, the date of dispatch of ALL the communications received. Likewise, organizations that join the action are invited to organize physical deliveries of the text to the diplomatic headquarters of the United Kingdom in their country.

On the Anti-imperialist Week website, you will find the campaign with all the necessary materials, at this address:

Below, we offer the basic guidelines to develop the campaign, the days before and during December 10:

1. Attached, you can find the following files:

· Open letter to the UK Government: Free Assange!

· List of diplomatic delegations of the United Kingdom in the different countries

2. On the website you will find the campaign interface. The operation is simple: the signatories (INDIVIDUALS, NOT ORGANISATIONS) must enter their full name, their country, and an email address. Then, in a drop-down menu, choose the country to whose diplomatic delegation from the United Kingdom the letter will be sent. Below, click on “Send Letter”. Thereuponof, a letter will be sent to the chosen diplomatic mission.

3. In those countries where it is possible to organize actions in person, for example the delivery of the physical letter in the diplomatic mission, the participants are asked to register the action and send us the photographs to the email In the database you will find all the physical addresses of the diplomatic delegations.

4. Likewise, you will also find the telephone numbers of the diplomatic missions. In case of not being able to organize an in-person action, participants are invited to make a phone call to the corresponding diplomatic mission during December 10th.

5. We are creating a list with the signatures of individuals and organizations that want to join. Please distribute in your networks and send us the list of additional signatories (BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS) to be included in the list to the e-mail address

Picture: Reproduction.

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