Otro mundo es posible, otro Detroit se está construyendo

Por mgdCuNk9du

DETROIT-"Tengo un sueño". Si le preguntas a cualquiera dónde pronunció por primera vez esas palabras el Reverendo Martin Luther King Jr., te responderá probablemente que fue en la Marcha sobre Washington en agosto de 1963. Pero de hecho lo hizo dos mes...

Another World Is Possible, Another Detroit Is Happening

Por mgdCuNk9du

DETROIT—“I have a dream.” Ask anyone where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. first proclaimed those words, and the response will most likely be at the March on Washington in August 1963. In fact, he delivered them two months earlier, on Jun...

Detroit’s renewal: Can it inspire the social forum?

Por Sarah van Gelder

Detroit was not an accidental choice for the U.S. Social Forum (USSF). Take a look at the decaying Packard Plant or at boarded-up homes and small businesses, and you'd say this city is dying. Less well known is that it is a city in the midst of a rebirth f...

Despite the desire for change…

Por mgdCuNk9du

The US Social Forum in Detroit 22 June 2010 Thousands of people will convene in Detroit Tuesday for the US Social Forum, which advertises itself as “a space to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the economic and ecological crisis.” T...

I Am That Dolphin Dying In The Gulf Of Mexico

Por mgdCuNk9du

MY DOLPHIN POD & OUR PAIN & SUFFERING due to the OIL & DISPERSANTS: The Gulf of Mexico oil spill & the toxic dispersants are giving my dolphin pod, my family & me headaches. Now when we breathe air into our blow holes in the top of our heads we often breat...

Detroit: Dying Of Capitalist Proportions

Por Li Onesto

A YouTube video titled "Dying Detroit" takes you on a tour of "neighborhoods literally falling apart"—through streets that look like "a hurricane has recently swept through, destroying nearly everything in its path." Thousands of houses have been aba...

Mass March Opens The US Social Forum

Por Billy Wharton

Day one of the US Social Forum began with a thunderous demonstration through the streets of Detroit. Around 35,000 people representing social movements from throughout the country marched through the Downtown area. There was no united demand from the crowd...

El festín de los chacales

Por Eliades Acosta Matos

Todas las guerras imperialistas, sin excepción, han apelado a pretextos elevados, a principios caballerescos y espirituales, a argumentaciones patrióticas y humanistas para ocultar sus verdaderas motivaciones, por supuesto, groseramente terrenales: búsq...