CIRANDA: Povo saharauí luta para derrubar o muro da opressão

Por Elaine Tavares

Os muros são coisas doidas, símbolo de separação. Há quem diga que eles servem para proteger. Mas há que perguntar. Proteger a quem? Se a gente parar para pensar vai ver que os muros têm suas origens no poder. Desde muito tempo eles são erguidos pa...

Dix ans et pas une ride

Por mgdCuNk9du

Forum sur les Mouvements Sociaux et les Forums Sociaux, Bouznika - Mars 2010 26. mai 2010 - 14:21 |  éditeur e-joussour Forum social thématique sur les mouvements sociaux et les forums sociaux BOUZNIKA 5, 6, 7 Mars 2010 Le Fo...


Por mgdCuNk9du

Interview de Gustave Massiah

Por mgdCuNk9du

Quel est votre sentiment par rapport à cette rencontre ? En marge de ce forum, j'ai participé à la réunion de la Commission Expansion du FSM qui a pour objectif d'étendre le mouvement des forums sociaux à d'autres régions du monde, principalement l...

Bouznika 2010

Por mgdCuNk9du

IC WSF Rabat Marocco 7-9 may 2009- Ngoyi Kasango and the African path to the WSF 2011 Dakar Senegal

Por FocusPuller

Follow the Special Video Coverage on the last WSF International Counciul meeting in Rabat by WSFTV

Back in Africa, Forward to Another World.

Por mgdCuNk9du

Teivo Teivainen The International Council (IC) of the World Social Forum (WSF) decided today, 8 May 2009, in Rabat that the next WSF shall be organized in Dakar in 2011. The Senegalese capital was presented as a consensual proposal of the Council of the ...

[en] The struggle of the Sahrawi people for Self-determination [fr] La lutte du peuple sahraoui pour son autodétermination [es] La Lucha del Pueblo Sahraui por su Autodeterminación [pt] A luta do povo sahraui pela sua autodeterminação [it]La lotta del popolo saharawi per l’ autodeterminazione

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Western Sahara the former spanish colony is the last african colonized country still waiting for independence. Since 1973 the Polisario Front is fighting for independence. 1975 Morocco and Mauritania invaded the country. Most of the civilian populatio...