Towards Cairo

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: Maira Engelmann After the ninth World Social Forum (WSF) - Belem, Brazil – 2009, Morocco has hosted the organizing meetings of the International Council of the WSF. The meetings were held in Harhoura, Rabat and accommodated more than 200 activ...

Call for G20 Response Action

Por mgdCuNk9du

The financial earthquake that hit at the end of 2008 ̶ the most recent expression of the grave systemic crisis of the neo-liberal capitalist model (also manifested by the climate, food prices, energy and employment crises, plus relentless poverty) ...

REBELIÓN: Angela Davis is not a legend, she is still an activist

Por mgdCuNk9du

21-09-2010 Ángela Castellanos Aranguren SEMIac “Women have been fighting against sexual and domestic violence, and they have achieved important legal rights at an important national level, yet despite th...

The Euro-demonstration in Brussels

Por mgdCuNk9du

The European Day of Action on 29 September is made up of a Euro-demonstration in Brussels and trade union actions in the various European countries. The Euro-demonstration in Brussels is composed of fifty Trade Unions member organisations representing 30 c...

The face of the Amazon

Por mgdCuNk9du

The days before the Communication and Culture Seminar took place as an introductory event for the 5th Social Pan-Amazon Forum. The 5th International Council approved the design to be used in all of the material of graphic identity, as well as, highlighting...

La cara de la Amazonía

Por mgdCuNk9du

En vísperas del Seminario de Comunicación y Cultura realizado como actividad preparatoria del V Foro Social Pan-Amazónico, el Consejo Internacional del V FSPA aprobó el diseño a ser utilizado en todos los materiales de identidad gráfica y señalizac...

The World Education Forum in Palestine

Por mgdCuNk9du

By failing to obey the UN resolution on the right to establish a Palestinian state with the same rights as Israel, occupying the territories that should constitute this state, Israel - with the solitary support of the US - prevents the UN decision from bei...

Álvaro Uribe and crimes against humanity

Por Elaine Tavares

The Brazilian media talks a lot about the armed conflict in Colombia, always from the perspective of the Álvaro Uribe government, which has generally been portrayed as a great democratic force that has been doing everything possible to end the civil war t...