//Destaque FSM Es

Clean Up, Don’t Cover Up
NEW YORK — On May 28, the Friday evening before the long Memorial Day weekend, during the time most people are filling their gas tanks on their way out of the city, a group of 200-300 people surrounded the large BP gas station on the corner of Housto...

Unha outra educación para un outro mundo
Santiago acollerá este decembro o primeiro Foro Mundial de Educación que se celebra en Europa. Pódense presentar propostas até o 30 de xuño dende a web do foro. Santiago acollerá este decembro o primeiro Foro Mundial de Educación que se celebra en ...

The UFPJ’s Peace March towards Detroit
Just two weeks away, our 2nd US Social Forum starts and if you haven't made arrangements…Now is the time to plan on joining 20,000 activists in Detroit, June 22nd - 26th. What is happening in Detroit and in Michigan is happening all across the Unite...

Internet, vía de escape y de educación
GAZA, may (IPS) - "He aprendido en Internet la mayor parte de lo que sé sobre edición de fotos y diseño gráfico", dijo Emad, un cineasta palestino de 27 años. Esto se ha vuelto habitual en Gaza. "Este programa de edición de vídeo no está disponibl...

Come to Palestine
The registration for organizations and self-organized activities for the World Education Forum in Palestine (October 28 - 31) will open on June 25. This event is vitally important in the context of today's world, moreover holding this Forum in Palestine is...

The People’s Freedom Caravan goes to the United States Social Forum in Detroit
The People’s Freedom Caravan is a Social Movement on Wheels–a Convergence of Grassroots Communities along the way to the second United States Social Forum (USSF), happening June 22-June 26, 2010, in Detroit, Michigan. As the participants repor...

“Luchamos por una sociedad sin desigualdades sociales ni económicas”
La IV edición del Foro Social Américas tendrá lugar en Asunción, del 11 al 15 agosto. Paraguay dará la bienvenida a movimientos sociales, entidades de la sociedad civil, activistas e intelectuales, que acudirán desde todo el continente para debatir,...