Bem vindo/a a Frieda 23

Por mgdCuNk9du

Visite a pagina wiki de Frieda 23 Aqui Acompanhe os acontecimentos em Rostock no Medialine do Timeline em espanhol Aqui Programas do Forum de Radios diretamente do Frieda 23 podem ser ouvidos pela internet, por streaming Aqui

Resistance is Fruitful

Por mgdCuNk9du

The international participation in the anti-G8 demonstrations is undeniable. The second day of actions against the G8-summit, taking place under the banner "Resistance is Fruitful", denounced its agricultural policies. Farmers, peasants, small producers, l...

Manhã de check-point

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: David As atividades de protesto contra o uso das fronteiras nacionais como pretexto para discriminar pessoas e negar direitos iguais prometiam grande impacto em Rostock dada a visibilidade que tiveram na grande manifestação internacional de 2 de ...

Migration Action Day

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photo: Miluskaya in mission secret 4 June: It's action day against the G8 again in Rostock, after the mass demo on 1 June, with the theme Flight and Migration. At 8am we leave from camp Reddelich to the local foreigners office in Rostock. The foreigner...


Por mgdCuNk9du

Imagens de Rostock

Por mgdCuNk9du

Stop the nazi demonstration – 2nd June 2007 Schwerin

Por mgdCuNk9du

While thousands of anti-G8 activists will held a mass demonstration in Rostock at the 2nd of June, the fascist party NPD announced that at the same time they are going to demonstrate in Schwerin. Up to 1500 neo-nazis will try to present themselfes as the &...

Tell World: ‘Bush Doesn’t Speak For Me!’

Por mgdCuNk9du

Art: Move against G8 Your president is embarrassing you and the red, white and blue in front of the entire planet. In preparation for next week's G8 summit in Germany, conservative German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed a responsible declaration regar...