[en]Women take to street in Chennai[pt] Mulheres tomam as ruas em Chennai

Por Nandita Shah

[en]It was a sea of colour purple when more than 2000 women in purple sarees marched the streets of Chennai demanding Land, Livelihood and Resources for poor women in the globalised India. 26th January afternoon Chennai saw very different kind of March. ...

Pour la justice économique au Bangladesh et ailleurs

Por mgdCuNk9du

Le Global Economic Justice Forum s'est terminé à Dhaka la semaine dernière sur une note optimiste, après trois jours intensifs de séminaires et audiences publiques qui avait pour but de provoquer un dialogue sur les différents enjeux reliés à la mo...

And Women also Fly Kites

Por mgdCuNk9du

On 25th Jan. or the eve of India's republic day, women joined the World Social Forum's Global Week of Action by organising their own event in the heart of Mumbai, India. The event entitled 'And Women also Fly Kites' highlighted women's issues. Women sent...

Bangladesh observe Global Day of Action along with whole world

Por mgdCuNk9du

People's resistance against Corporate Globalization Along with other countries of the World, hatred and symbolic protest against Frankenstein of Corporate Globalization Day is observed in Dhaka at Rabindra Sarobar open stage on Saturday (26 January) at 12....

Aksi Gerak Lawal

Por mgdCuNk9du

Gerak Lawan menuntut: pembaruan agraria sejati dan meredistribusikan tanah untuk petani, menghentikan impor dan liberalisasi pangan untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan bangsa, membangun industri nasional yang kuat dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan buruh, menol...

A Bangladesh without World Bank, IMF and ADB is possible

Por EquityBD

Dhaka 26th January 2008. Equity and Justice Working Group (EJWG) today at 11 am has organized a human chain in front of national parliament house Dhaka with a banner of call that “ A Bangladesh without World Bank, IMF and ADB is possible “. ...

Coletiva de Mumbai, video

Por Ruchika Muchhala

A De- militarized World is Possible and A De-militarized World is Necessary!

Por mgdCuNk9du

The International No Foreign Bases Network is inviting organizations, networks, and communities working to abolish foreign military bases to join and organize an action on or around the date of 26 January 2008. The last Global Day of Action on 15 February...