

Ecological debt: who owes whom?

Por Compas

"Mozambique is owed an ecological debt by those who constructed and have made profits from the dams of the Zambezi River, that is to say, the Portuguese government and the South African company Eskom," Malawian economist Francis Ng'ambi told participants a...

An Alternative Forum or More of the Same?

Por Compas

Phto by Fahamu Pambazuka Galery “[the world social forum is] an open meeting place where groups and movements of civil society opposed to neo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism, but engaged in building a planetary...

[en]TV: HIV/AIDs and taboo[pt]TV: HIV/Aids e tabús

Por Compas

Raised Voices from the WSF: Watch the video (2MB)

In Africa è ”povera” anche l’informazione

Por Compas

Foto: Ana Facundes NAIROBI - Quale futuro per l'informazione sull'Africa dopo Nairobi? Di seguito riportiamo un articolo del nostro inviato al World Social Forum, Mauro Sarti, relativo a un incontro tenutosi in Kenya proprio nei giorni del raduno. L'arti...

Um passeio por Korogocho

Por Ana Facundes

[en] Information on the meeting in Nairobi[es]Informe del Encuentro de Nairobi[pt_br]Informe do Encontro de Nairóbi

Por Compas

[en] Photo Galery by Frineia Rezende On January 24th 2007, journalists and social communicators from different alternative media invited by the International Ciranda of Independent Information, gathered in a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. The meeting ...

We Are All Africans [pt_br] Somos todos Africanos

Por Compas

Foto: Frineia Rezende [en]Whenever they face a crisis, civilizations look back to their past, seeking inspiration for the future. We are today in the heart of a phenomenal world-wide crisis that affects all civilizations. The crisis could spur a leap tow...

Mulheres no FSM

Por Ana Facundes