
Chronique d’un G8 : Jour 2 – La « grosse manif ».

Por Compas

Photographe : Pierre Morel Samedi 2 juin à Rostock. Temps très gris. Quelques gouttes. Les activistes débarquent par centaine dans la ville et vont remplir les différents lieux possible : camps, media center, places... Ce 2 juin marque le début du...

Imagens de Rostock

Por Compas

[en]Call for day of action / mobilisation January 26th 2008 [pt] Chamada a um dia de ação/mobilização global – 26 de janeiro de 2008 [es]Llamado a un Día de Movilización y Acción Global – 26 de enero 2008[de]Aufruf zu einem gemeinsamen weltweiten Mobilisierungs- und Aktionstag[fr] APPEL à une journée mondiale de mobilisations et d’actions

Por Compas

[en] Call for day of action / mobilisation January 26th 2008 We are millions of women and men, organisations, networks, movements, trade unions from all parts of the world; we come from villages, regions, rural zones, urban centres; we are of all ages, p...

Stop the nazi demonstration – 2nd June 2007 Schwerin

Por Compas

While thousands of anti-G8 activists will held a mass demonstration in Rostock at the 2nd of June, the fascist party NPD announced that at the same time they are going to demonstrate in Schwerin. Up to 1500 neo-nazis will try to present themselfes as the &...

Tell World: ‘Bush Doesn’t Speak For Me!’

Por Compas

Art: Move against G8 Your president is embarrassing you and the red, white and blue in front of the entire planet. In preparation for next week's G8 summit in Germany, conservative German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed a responsible declaration regar...


Por Compas

Art: Move against G8 Nr. 6, 31.5.2007 Dieser Newsletter wird von G8Xtra - Zeitung für eine Interventionistische Linke herausgegeben. Mehr Infos über G8Xtra und die Interventionistische Linke hier: www.g8-2007.de Der Newsletter berichtet über die Plan...

G8: Demonstrators’ Rights and Africa at Heart of Summit

Por Compas

Art: Move against G8 Before anyone knew it, G8 summits have become more politically pointed than the United Nations meetings. As the club of the richest and most powerful, they have naturally become a target -- increasingly protected -- of those fighting ...

G8 2007 ¡Hay alternativas!

Por Compas

Imagem: Move Against G8 En 2007 tendrá lugar en Heilingendamm (cerca de la ciudad de Rostock, en la costa alemana del Báltico) la cumbre de los ocho países más ricos y poderosos del mundo. Desde hace largo tiempo la política del G8 ha levantado crít...