
Manhã de check-point

Por mgdCuNk9du

Foto: David As atividades de protesto contra o uso das fronteiras nacionais como pretexto para discriminar pessoas e negar direitos iguais prometiam grande impacto em Rostock dada a visibilidade que tiveram na grande manifestação internacional de 2 de ...

Migration Action Day

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photo: Miluskaya in mission secret 4 June: It's action day against the G8 again in Rostock, after the mass demo on 1 June, with the theme Flight and Migration. At 8am we leave from camp Reddelich to the local foreigners office in Rostock. The foreigner...

Protestos no Peru

Por mgdCuNk9du

“Para que a ajuda funcione, o mundo não pode esperar.” Sob esse lema, acontece no Peru em 5 de junho, a partir das 10 horas da manhã, uma passeata rumo à Embaixada da Alemanha. A iniciativa integra as mobilizações anti-G-8, que vêm acontecendo em...


Por mgdCuNk9du

Chronique d’un G8 : Jour 2 – La « grosse manif ».

Por mgdCuNk9du

Photographe : Pierre Morel Samedi 2 juin à Rostock. Temps très gris. Quelques gouttes. Les activistes débarquent par centaine dans la ville et vont remplir les différents lieux possible : camps, media center, places... Ce 2 juin marque le début du...

Imagens de Rostock

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en]Call for day of action / mobilisation January 26th 2008 [pt] Chamada a um dia de ação/mobilização global – 26 de janeiro de 2008 [es]Llamado a un Día de Movilización y Acción Global – 26 de enero 2008[de]Aufruf zu einem gemeinsamen weltweiten Mobilisierungs- und Aktionstag[fr] APPEL à une journée mondiale de mobilisations et d’actions

Por mgdCuNk9du

[en] Call for day of action / mobilisation January 26th 2008 We are millions of women and men, organisations, networks, movements, trade unions from all parts of the world; we come from villages, regions, rural zones, urban centres; we are of all ages, p...

Stop the nazi demonstration – 2nd June 2007 Schwerin

Por mgdCuNk9du

While thousands of anti-G8 activists will held a mass demonstration in Rostock at the 2nd of June, the fascist party NPD announced that at the same time they are going to demonstrate in Schwerin. Up to 1500 neo-nazis will try to present themselfes as the &...