Com a resposta a la crida del Fòrum Social Mundial per a celebrar un Dia d'Acció i Mobilització Global al voltant del 26 de gener, el Fòrum Social Català s'ha posat ja en marxa amb una setmana de mobilitzacions i accions a casa nostra per visibilitzar...
Whatch the small video produced to promote the Belgian Social Forum The organizers also have full 20 Mbyte version Contact: Fabrice Collignon Office of the Belgium Social Forum Secrétariat du Forum Soci...
Cindy Wiesner with the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance speaks of the national and international actions taking place on the Global Day of Action, January 26, 2008. Watch the video
Emery Wright of Project South talks about the significance of the US Social Forum and the Poor People's Assembly in an Atlanta Global Day of Action press conference. Whatch the vídeo here
Lim, Won-San, the International Solidarity Coordinator in Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants' Trade Union talks about how Migrant Workers in s.korea have been struggling The vídeo produced by MediaCultureAction
2008년 세계사회포럼 세계행동의 날 (한국)조직위원회는 22일 12시 민주노총에서 ᅫ...
“While the world's political and corporate elites gather in the Alpine winter resort of Davos, we will on the other hand converge and hold our activities in a depressed urban poor community to demonstrate the contrast of interests and agenda between ...
Hoje, dia 22 de janeiro, foram realizadas coletivas de imprensa em diferentes cidades sobre o Dia de Mobilização e Ação Global - dia 26 deste mês. No Rio de Janeiro o encontro foi no Ibase e contou com a participação de diversos profissionais de Imp...