November 8th 2011
From Australia to Canada, from Norway to Argentina, between the 9th of November and the 16th, a series of activities is previewed in several countries as part of the Week against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine – which starts, not by accident, in the same day of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In order to keep up with this initiative, promoted by the organizations Stop the Wall and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), alternative media will take part in a media marathon against the wall in the West Bank – Palestinian territory illegally occupied by Israel – and the apartheid promoted by this State. By Soraya Misleh and Rita Freire, of Ciranda. Read more
National Meeting of Solidarity to the Palestinian People
On november 26th and 27th the National Meeting of Solidarity to the Palestinian people will take place at the Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), in Guararema, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, organized by MST/Via Campesina. One of the objectives is to gather over 250 leaders from popular movements and trade unions, left wing parties and members from the Arab-Palestinian community in Brazil, in order to start the debate to create a Brazilian movement or committee on the matter. Read more
International Meeting of the World March of Women debates current situation
The 8th International Meeting of the World March of Women (WMW) will take place on November 20-25 in Quezon, in the Philippines. Up until the beginning of this month delegates from over 30 countries were registered, from Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. The program of the meeting includes a debate on the outcome from the Third International Action of the WMW (more information at www.mmm2010.info) and the current social-economic-political situation when the March will put its struggles into practice and that will allow the identification of lines and plans of work for the 2012-2015 period. Read more
Call to Thematic Social Forum: Capitalist Crisis, Social and Environmental Justice
Being theme, the FST can build strategic thinking and program, may also be presented at the Rio plus 20 (Rio+20), in May and June 2012, will draw crowds to the Rio de Janeiro. Considering this goal, we invite all men and women attend the Thematic Social Forum – Capitalist Crisis, Social and Environmental Justice to be held in Porto Alegre and Metropolitan Area on 24 to 29 january 2012. Read more Photo: Coletivo Dar
Call to International public and social movements for solidarity with kurdish people
Amed, September 24th-25th 2011. “While we are united, as members of the International Council of World Social Forum, in meetings in Amed, we ask for international solidarity and recognition of Kurdish identity, respecting its cultures and language. Kurds who are one of the most ancient peoples of Mesopotamia have been struggling for the recognition of their identity, and to live as an equal and free people since the establishment of the Turkish Republic, with interruptions every now and then.” Read more
Inter-Commission Meeting of the WSF-IC in Amed The Inter-Commission meeting of the WSF International Council in Amed/Diyarbakir (Turkish region of Kurdistan) took place on september 26-27 during the 2nd Mesopotamia Social Forum (21-25), an initiative of the civil society of the region, including actors and participants from several countries and peoples – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia among others. The meeting’s agenda wished to make reflections on this process of expansion of the WSF, which give it new fresh air, relocating the struggles of the so called Arab Spring in its agenda, aiming at building the first steps to the organization of the next centralized event of the WSF in Maghreb. Among the discussed points were: proposal of mobilization for the 2013 WSF, and also preparations and tasks for the IC meeting in Dhaka (Bangladesh) which will take place on November 23-25. PT and EN Dates were takes mainly from the results of the Assemblies of Convergence for Action. In case you have updates, please send it to: fsmsite@forumsocialmundial.org.br Unscheduled events International Conference on Free Circulation of People Mobilizations around COP17 (South Africa), Cochabamba (Bolivia) World Week of Action in Solidarity to victims of racism and xenophobia Social Forum of Tunisia
2011 March march 04 march 20
April april 1st-04th
May International Council Meeting may 15 March 15 protests: Palestinian youth mounts growing mobilization may 21-22
August August 11
October october 3 october 12
December December 18 2012 May Octuber 01st And also: World Forum of Free and Alternative Media
Event: Community Academic International Forum: Knowledges, Wisedoms and Imaginaries – Local, Regional and Global Territorialities Event: Don’t Buy Into the Israeli Occupation and take part in the Week against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine Event: South Asia Social Forum Event: National Meeting of Solidarity to the Palestinian People Event: Media, Sexism and Racism: a still disputed issue? Event: WSF’s International Council meeting Event: 8th WMW International meeting Event: Second UN Intersessional Meeting – preparatory for Rio+20 Event: Global Action Day for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People 2012 Event: 2012 Thematic Social Forum: capitalist crisis, Social and Environmental Justice – Porto Alegre and Metropololitan Area Event: Free Music International Festival Event: Third UN Intersessional Meeting – preparatory Rio+20 Event: WSF’s International Council meeting Event: Third Bloggers National Meeting Event: 16 days in Rio de Janeiro Event: UN PREPCOM3 – preparatory for Rio+20 Event: UNCSD-2012 – preparatory for Rio+20 Event: Forum of Foruns Event: WSF’s International Council meeting Event: World Campaign for the Right to Habitat Event: Internatonal Forum in Solidarity to Palestinian People Event: 6th Pan-Amazon Forum Event: 2nd Lava Social Forum
Get to know the different vehicles and spaces of communicationthat take part in World Social Forum Process universe and which have their practices based on the concept of Shared Communication that, inside the Forum since 2000, has been built and strengthened by alternative media across different countries, groups, networks, collectives, social movements and institutions. |
This newsletter is edited by the WSF Office and distributed by email.
Edition: Thaís Chita
Translation: André Bailão and Hélio Menezes
To send any content suggestions and/or receive the WSF newsletter please write to fsmsite @ forumsocialmundial.org.br with "SUGGESTION" and/or "REGISTRATION" on the subject line. |