Call for solidarity with the Kurdish prisoners in Turkey

‘From 15th October onwards all PKK and PAJK inmates inTurkey and Kurdistan’s prisons will join in the indefinite hunger strike. Rather than respond to the demands of people on hunger strike, the AKP government has attacked prisoners with solitary confinement, disciplinary action and physical torture. There are prisoners who have internal bleeding and are being forced to treatment. If the AKP think they can deterus, they are mistaken, we will not give up our freedom. If there is a price to pay we will pay it, if there is torture we will persist, if there is suppression we will resist, if there is solitary confinement then so be it!

At a time time when our leader Abdullah Ocalan is in intensified solitary confinementand his life is under threat; when our people are attacked and tortured physically, politically and culturally by the racist regime’s military and police, all we have to protect them with are our naked bodies. We will not hear the voices of anybody except our leader and movement. We will not heed any calls for us to end the hunger strikes until our demands are met, the ban on Kurdish is lifted and the path to the freedom of our leader opened.

We are appealing to our people and all revolutionary and democratic public opinion to join in an indefinite act of solidarity and continued period of action to realise the freedom and democratic unity of our people. We are also calling onall sensitive political parties, MPs in parliament, non-governmental and humanrights organisations: hear our cries. The people of Kurdistan are under the threat ofgenocide, our comrades in prison are on the threshold of death, our leader is undersavage torture and Kurdistan has been turned into a Vietnam.’

Image: HRA – Human Rights Agency

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