Pan-Amazonian Forum towards Tarapoto

The VIII Pan-Amazonian Social Forum (VIII Fospa) will be held on April 28, 29 and 30 and May 1, 2017, in the Amazonian city of Tarapoto, located in the region of San Martín del Perú.

Thematic forum of ​​the World Social Forum, the Fospa seeks to promote the identity and integration of the Pan-Amazonian peoples, with a strong anticolonial sense. The Amazon is an unprecedented territory of struggles and resistance to the multiple crises of ethical, organizational, social and dominant policies.
 The Fospa 2016 makes use of a methodology of care, which involves caring for, protecting and nurturing the forum process, so that it can be oriented towards achieving its objectives. The methodological principles are to take care of 1) our links 2) our diversity. 3) the different forms of knowledge … 4) our participatory action and political presence .5. the forum process. These principles are concretized in the methodological tools: of the permanent communication and the opening mobilization ..As part of the FSPA tradition, the first day of the forum will bhave a mobilization that will culminate with the inauguration of the event.
To contribute to the committees, sectoral groups, debates, broadcasts and calendar of activities, contact the organization. The deadline to register is March 24, 2017

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