Men who make me ashamed

As a Jew with the best humanistic traditions in our culture, I feel profoundly ashamed of what successive Israeli governments are doing to peace in the Middle East.

The Israeli government’s lack of initiative for peace is making daily survival in Israel and Palestine more and more unbearable.

It has been a while since I have felt ashamed of the improper occupation carried out by Jewish settlers in Palestinian territory. What about the bombing of a ship with a Turkish flag that carries food for our Palestinian brothers? How shameful!

I propose that Simon Peres give back his Nobel Peace Prize and apologize for accepting it, even after arming apartheid South Africa.

I consider the current government and all its members, without exception, deserving by universal agreement the Jim Jones Prize, for leading an entire country to collective suicide.

By continuing the genocidal policy of the current government, not even the good will survive and Israel will perish beneath the contempt of the entire world.

Mr. Lieberman who brought from his native Moldavia his vast experience with pogroms, is strongly hell-bent on applying them against our Palestinian brothers. He only deserves a Nuremburg trial.

I am saying all of this because a humanistic Jew cannot watch quietly and remain indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East. We need strength and courage to join the good and fight for fraternal coexistence between two brother nations.
End Fascism!

Peace now!

Translation by: Alexander Alva

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