Free Muhaned Abu Awwad, Parents Circle nonviolence activist

Pressenza (Milan), 2010-01-28

On the night of January 23 Israeli soldiers raided the home of Khaled Abu Awwad, General Manager of the Palestine association Parents Circle – Families Forum, and detained the eldest son of the family, Muhaned.

In recent years Muhaned Abu Awwad has become one of the most active leaders of the Parents Circle association, making the non-violent fight for peace and democracy his purpose in life.

‘His arrest falls within the framework of a wider repressive mission of the Israeli authorities against the non-violent campaign of resistance put up by the people’s committees of the villages of Bil’in, Nil’in and Al Massara, whose leaders have since June 2009 been systematically arrested’, stated Luisa Morgantini, the vice-president of the European Parliament, in the plea that the Italian Peace Association is making to civil society.

Just in Italy over 50 organisations have signed the request, written by Action for Peace, which individuals and associations are sending via e-mail or fax to the Israeli military authorities to demand the immediate release of Muhaned Abu Awwad.

(Translated by Simon Bruni)

Source: Pressenza (