Education for Liberation/Liberation for Education


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Hotel City


October 29,


for Liberation/Liberation for Education

1 to 3 PM

Oppression never goes away
unless there is resistance. And resistance is knowledge, empowerment,
capacities. Transforming the world and liberating humanity from colonialism,
racism and exploitation requires a struggling and learned people. Therefore
education is an indispensable tool for liberation. At the same time,
education is what liberation is about, i.e. what it wants to achieve.
Educated people are able to build a new society, liberated from ignorance,
poverty and humiliation.

Resource persons:

  • Ronald Cameron,
    former president of the Teachers Federation (Quebec)
  • Gustave Massiah,
  • Vinod Raina, People’s
    Science Movement (India)
  • Rita Giacaman, Women
    and Health research Center at Birzeit University (Palestine)
  • Refaat Sabah (TCC)
  • Michael Warschawsky
  • Mireille Fanon (France,
    Frantz Fanon Foundation)

an International Forum on Food Sovereignty in Haiti

3 to 4 PM

Food Sovereignty is a concept
that recognizes the rights of populations to define their food and agricultural
policies. Food Sovereignty is based on the needs of populations
and their environment and NOT based on the rules on international markets.
In Haiti, as huge resources are to be injected for the “reconstruction”,
the International Forum on Food Sovereignty will gather Peasants movements
and civil society groups around a action plan to promote Food Sovereignty
in Haiti, the Caribbean and the World.

Resource Persons:

  • Michel Lambert,
    Alternatives Montreal
  • Camille Chalmers,
    PAPDA Haiti
  • Mireille Fanon,
    President Frantz Fanon Foundation


Perspectives and Challenges

4 to 5 PM

Alternatives International
has been consolidating and contributing to the ongoing debates and actions
in the alter globalist movement. It has undertaken many politically
important initiatives such as the holding of the Maghreb Social Forum,
initiating the World Education Forum in Palestine. Functionally it is
increasingly coherent in its actions and communications. It takes out
journals in several languages with analysis on the political, social
and cultural issues. What is it program, challenges and strategies for
the future?

Resource Persons:

  • Pierre Beaudet
  • Refaat Sabah (Palestine)
  • Kamal Lahbib
  • Hamouda Soubhi
  • Sergio Yahni

Meeting of
the Board of Governors


5 to 7 PM


With Palestinian
organizers and International guests

7 to
9 PM

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