Come to Palestine

The registration for organizations and self-organized activities for the World Education Forum in Palestine (October 28 – 31) will open on June 25. This event is vitally important in the context of today’s world, moreover holding this Forum in Palestine is
of powerful symbolic value and of crucial importance for Palestine and
people of conscience around the globe.

The World Education Forum in Palestine takes place during a time of
ongoing occupation of the Palestinian people, the siege of Gaza and
persecution of local and international activists. The brutal attack on the
Freedom Flotilla was only the last event in the escalation of Israeli
policies of aggression. The World Education Forum in Palestine, therefore,
offers not only a space for people from all over the world to discuss
issues relating to education – your participation in the Forum is a
concrete act of solidarity with the Palestinian people and resistance to
occupation, apartheid and colonialism.

The WEF activities will be carried out over 4 days, simultaneously
organized in Haifa, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Gaza, and Lebanon. The program
will comprise centrally organized seminars (organized by the National and
International Organizing Committees), self-organized activities, expanded
activities (interconnections between WEF venues and between WEF venues and
the wider world), trips, cultural activities and assemblies.
The activities of the WEF will shed light on pressing social and
educational issues and challenges of people struggling for peace and
social justice around the world and in Palestine. All activities will be
guided by the following thematic axes:

1.Education, arts, culture and identity

2.Education as a tool for emancipating the mind and protecting the

3.Ideologies in education

4.Traditional and popular education

5.Education for peace, equality and liberation

We invite all organizations to organize one or more self-organized
activities based on the thematic axes, in a location of choice. We call on
all organizations to reflect on:

– Thematic ax(es) your organization wants to focus on

– A title for your self-organized activity and a description

– The location(s) for your activity/activities: Jerusalem, Gaza, Haifa,
Ramallah or Beirut

– Type of activity: seminar, workshop, debate, round tables, etc

– Leading and collaborating organizations

– Language of your activity/activities (Arabic and English highly

– Wish to interlink with other venues or worldwide expanded activities by
internet connection

We will inform you about the event structure, fees, logistics, visa
regulations and accommodation very soon. Please visit our website: for updates and more information.

Please spread this info widely to your contacts.

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