Le nouveau cycle du FSM
Le mouvement altermondialiste n'est pas en panne. Il est de bon ton d'annoncer son essoufflement, et pourtant il ne cesse de s'élargir et de s'approfondir. Elargissement géographique d'abord comme en témoigne les Forums sociaux mondiaux de Porto Alegre,...
A correr por una vivienda
La maratón de 14 kilómetros comenzará en Korogocho, un asentamiento del este de Nairobi, serpenteará por las calles de la capital y terminará en el parque Uhuru. La próxima sesión del FSM se celebrará del 20 al 25 de enero en Nairobi. En la línea...
Dans l’ombre de la mort
Au Kenya, le VIH/SIDA est une urgence nationale. On estime à 2,1 millions la population d'adultes et d'enfants vivant avec le VIH/SIDA, ce qui représente 14 pour cent de la population sexuellement active Le taux de prévalence du VIH au Kenya est le neu...
Africa: morto Ki-Zerbo, lo storico dell’Africa nera
E' morto ieri a Ouagadougou, capitale del Burkina Faso, lo scrittore e storico Joseph Ki-Zerbo. Considerato uno dei principali intellettuali africani, pubblicò diversi scritti inerenti la cultura e la storia africana tra cui la celebre "Histoire de l'Afri...
[en]The deadline for registration of activities for WSF 2007 is postponed to December 13th[fr]Nouveau délai d’inscriptions d’activités pour le FSM 2007: le 13 décembre 2006[pt_br] Novo prazo para inscrições de atividades para o FSM: 13/12[es] Se extiende fecha de inscripción de actividades para el FSM 2007: 13 de deciembre
[en] The deadline for registration of activities for WSF 2007 is postponed to December 13th Registration of self-organized activities for the WSF 2007, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from January 20 to 25, 2007, has been extended to Decemb...
Human Dignity activities
Equalinrights activities at the World Social Forum: come and participate! Equalinrights will participate in the World Social Forum in Nairobi within the context of the Human Dignity and Human Rights Caucus. Next to the specific events listed below, equ...
Celebrate Africa at WSF 2007, Nairobi
The World Social Forum (WSF) has come a long way from its modest origins in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001 till now. In January 2007 Nairobi, Kenya will host the movement to place social justice, international solidarity, gender equality and peace on the age...
“What Is WSF? Something That Will Bring Me Medicine?”
In just two months time the World Social Forum (WSF) will get underway in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, marking the first instance in which Africa is acting as sole host of the event. With the East African country also home to Kibera -- sometimes referred ...